My Video Collection
Arthur Franklin Clifford Little Bear Vehicles Farm
Berenstain Bears Dr. Seuss Stories Animals, Insects and Plants Reading Rainbow
Dr. Seuss
1. Green Eggs and Ham
The Cat in the Hat
2. Dr. Seuss's ABC
I Can Read With My Eyes Shut
Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?
3. One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
Oh, The Thinks You Can Think
The Foot Book
4. Hop on Pop
Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!
Oh, Say Can You Say?
5. The Cat in the Hat Comes Back
There's a Wocket in My Pocket
Fox in Socks
68. Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham Sing Along Classics, Sneetches, Zax
69. Dr. Seuss Pontoffel Pock, Where Are You? 30 mins
145. Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book- sleepers and dreamer
Hunches in Bunches- facing indecision, making a choice
152. Horton Hears a Who 26 mins
182. Dr. Seuss on the Loose
The Sneetches - makes them all equal
The Zax - won't move for each other
Green Eggs and Ham - try it
218. The Cat in the Hat 26 mins
The Berenstain Bears
6. The Truth
Save the Bees
7. Learn About Strangers
The Disappearing Honey
8. Trouble With Friends
The Coughing Catfish
9. Messy Room
The Terrible Termite
10. Thanksgiving
11. Christmas Tree: animals that live in trees
12. Easter Surprise: seasons and baby sister is born 30 mins
88. The Berenstain Bears Play Ball 30 mins
fun of playing and no pressure to win is more fun for kids
82. Berenstain Bears Get In a Fight, The Bigpaw Problem
115. In the Dark: take charge of your imagination
Ring the Bell: Papa rings the bell at the Bear County Nature Fair 30 mins
205. BB and the Missing Dinosaur Bone- prob solve to find it
Bears in the Night- directions- up, down, over, under
The Bear Detectives- prize pumpkin missing, clues, prob solve
217. BB Forget Their Manners (no cover)- 30 mins has a book
13. Arthur Writes a Story
Locked in the Library
14. Arthur's Lost Library Book
D.W's Imaginary Friend
106. A Video Visit with Marc Brown creator of Arthur 23 mins
see Marc draw Arthur and Buster, hear Marc read,
hear Marc talk about he gets his ideas
107. Arthur Helps His Animal Friends 40 mins
Arthur's New Puppy, So Long, Spanky,
and Francine and the Feline
170. Arthur's New Puppy - training is harder than thought 2 stories 30 m
Buster's Dino Dilemma - is bone he found a dino fossil?
108. Arthur Goes to School 40 mins
Arthur Writes a Story, Arthur's Teacher Trouble
and Arthur's Spelling Trouble
109. Arthur Learns to be a Friend 40 mins
Arthur's First Sleepover, Arthur's Faraway Friend
and Arthur Makes the Team
136. D.W. Rides Again: training wheels and rules of the road
Arthur's Cousin Trouble: thunderstorm family reunion 30 mins
137. D.W.'s Blankie: security blanket lost, spend nite without it
The Perfect Brother: Perfect Brain spends the weekend 30 mins
153. Arthur Makes a Movie 40 mins (no case so no info)
166. Arthur's Family Vacation - 101 things to do in the rain - flexible
Grandpa Dave's Old Country Farm - DW and Arthur offer their help
177. D.W. the Picky Eater - tantrum in restaurant won't eat most food
Buster and the Daredevils - want learn skateboard tricks
but 2 cool guys make him do whatever they dare him to do
179. Arthur's Chicken pox 30 mins
Arthur's Chicken Pox - will get to go to circus?
Arthur and the True Francine - cheating on a test
180. Arthur's Computer Afventure
Computer Adventure - fix computer before mom finds out
Arthur vs. the Piano - stage fright
200. Arthur's Birthday- Prob Solv- Arthur and Muffy plan party for the same day
Buster's New Friend- no time for Arthur
201. Arthur's Famous Friends
Arthur Meets Mr. Rogers- for babies, what friends think?
I'm a Poet- write poems judged by Jack Prelutsky
My Music Rules- classical vs. jazz, YoYo Ma and Joshua Redman
202. Arthur's Scary Stories
Night Frigh- Binky needs a night light, will Arthur tell?
What Scared Sue Ellen?- scary noises in woods, will fr face fears?
The Fright Stuff- lesson about pranks
15. Franklin's Valentines
99. Franklin's Magic Christmas 50 minutes
holiday visit, ice storm, grandpa tumbles, get help
104. Franklin's Blanket 25 min
needs his blanket to spend the night at Aunt's but can't find it
Franklin Camps Out
get thru night without mom and dad's help
198. Franklin Learns to Be Kind - 3 stories
Franklin's Nickname- feelings can be hurt
Franklin's Valentines- lost val on way to school
Franklin Runs Away- feels unwanted, but evry1 cares
199. Franklin's Reading Adventures 25 mins
Franklin Loses a Book- Harriet's Froggie Book
Franklin's Reading Club- rush thru bks to get TShirt
220. Franklin Learns to Be Honest
Franklin Fibs-boasts + tries to avoid proving it-fibs
Franklin + the Tooth Fairy-tries to trick tooth fairy
Franklin's Fort-friends want to build tree fort, F afraid of heights
221. Franklin Learns to Help Others
Franklin and Granny's Attic-wants to play w friends but goes to granny's. She's fun
Franklin and the Fire- practices helping others
Franklin and the Duckling- finds out how much work a little duck can be, helping outweighs the sacrifices
222. Franklin Learns to Respect Others
Franklin the Spy-recorded private conver, respon friend
Franklin Says Sorry-tells Bear's secret, says sorry
Franklin's Garden- caterpillar eats it all but turns into bfly
223. Franklin Learns to be Patient
Franklin Growing Up Fast-growing up takes time, enjoy childhd
Franklin and the Red Scooter-good things are worth the wait
Franklin's Music Lessons- patience and dedication are key to lrng sthg new
? Franklin Learns to Solve Problems
Franklin is Lost- stay calm and stay in one place
Franklin's Library- leaves first book from library in rain, quick solutions not always best
Franklin and the Broken Globe- Goose takes blame, but guilty conscience, tell the truth
228. Franklin Learns to Face His Fears
Franklin in the Dark - compare to the book what are the differences?
Franklin's Blanket, friends help, finds it
Franklin's School Play -stage fright, brave, courage
Little Bear
70. Meet Little Bear by Maurice Sendak: 4 stories
What Will Little Bear Wear?
Hide and Seek
Little Bear Goes to the Moon
Gone Fishing
94. Little Bear - Parties and Picnics - 4 Tales: 33 mins
Duck, Babysitter - willpower to not eat picnic food
Party at Owl's House - Owl has a "because" party
Little Bear's Sweet Tooth - Harvest Day Picnic and desserts
Picnic on Pudding Hill - mischievous snake comes
95. Goodnight Little Bear (no cover)
139. Goodnight Little Bear 33 min
Under the Covers- Sleep Tight. Don't let the bedbugs bite.
The Campfire Tale- LB brings MB the moon
Up All Night- he stays up all night to watch the sun
Night of the Full Moon- moon monsters out to play
140. A Kiss for Little Bear 32 min
The Painting -skunk has painting for MB
The Kiss A kiss from MB to LB
The Wedding -skunks get married
Valentine's Day- gets val from secret admirer
141. Summertime Tales 33 min
Caterpillars- eat garden
Follow the Leader- pretending on walk to pond
Little Bear's Mermaid- everyone else napping
Hop Frog Pond- otters show art of mud sliding
142. Snacktime Tales 33 mins
Little Bear and the Cupcakes- why likes cupcakes
The Grandmother's House- food for gmom goes to friends
Birthday Soup
Gingerbread Cookies- come to life and run away
143. Friends 33 mins
Emily's Visit- lawfully wedded friends forever
I'll Be You, You'll Be Me- pretend to be each other
Princess Duck- dressup trunk
171. Little Sherlock Bear 34 mins
Little Sherlock Bear - pie disappears and LB uses clues and detective skills
Duck Loses her Quack
Exploring - backyard play into an adventure
Detective Little Bear - watch missing LB uses mag glass and observation
178. Winter Tales 33 mins
Snowball Fight - perseverance to get FB outside
Winter Solstice - feed "snow angels"
Snowbound - flexibility to change plans
Little Bear and the North Pole - use imagination
194. Family Tales - find something to cherish every day
Pudding Hill - camping where the road end, adv begins
Father's Flying Flapjacks- FB and LB make brkfst for MB
LB and the Wind -MB helps LB be brave when wind howls
Doctor Little Bear- MB sick so LB does chores
195. Little Bear's Band -Make music even if don't have instr
LB Sings a Song- make up words as you go
Diva Hen - sings opera, true friends listen
Clever Cricket- Hear and find cricket, sing like one
Little Bear's Band- LB + fr play instr at celebr
196. Little Bear Movie 75 min
LB and FB go camping, meets wild cub, friendship
197. Little Goblin Bear (Halloween)33 mins
Goblin Night- LB not afraid, has frightening costune
Moonlight Serenade- LB and friendly scarecrow
How to Scare Ghosts- wind in trees or music?
Thunder Monster- LB MB and FB sing a song to chase storm away.
52. Clifford's Fun With Numbers (numbers to plan a birthday party)
110. Here Comes Clifford 45 mins.
Little Clifford- EL gives C lots of love
Welcome to Birdwell Island- People afraid of ELs big dog
Cleo Comes to Town- Cleo, TBone C all become fr
A Ferry Tale- C tries to stay clean, EL loves him no matter what
111. Clifford's Best Friends 45 mins.
My Best Friend
False Friends
A New Friend
The Dog Who Cried Wolf
112. Clifford's Schoolhouse 45 mins
Teacher's Pet
Nobody's Perfect
Clifford and the Beanstalk
Get Well
181. Go, T-Bone 45 mins
Doing the Right Thing - integrity returning item
Tough Enough - like you just the way you are
Ears Have It - problem solvong scared of fireworks
Saturday Morning - flexibility change of plans
193. Be My Big Red Valentine 45 mins
Cleo's Valentine Surprise - Cleo learns the joy of giving
Big Hearted T-Bone - made a promise, what can he do?
Wedding Bell Blues - can't judge someone until you meet them
Special T-Bone - learns he has a special gift
203. Clifford Tries His Best! - 4 stories - 45 mins
Dog Park- C banned from park, not fun w/out him
The Big Sleepover- town helps C get to sleep when EL is away
And Birdy Makes 3- EL cares for bird, C teaches it to fly
Clifford's Doggy Reunion- EL's cousin changes, C shows how to be friends
204. High-Flying Fun! 22 min
The Big Fetch- Cleo, C and TBone help paperboy for treats
Captain Birdwell's Treasure- telling the truth, Jetta takes credit for finding treasure, but it wasn't her
154. Muppet Family Christmas 47 mins
Winnie the Pooh
76. Too Smart for Strangers With Winnie the Pooh 40 mins
155. and Tigger, Too 25 mins
156. and The Blustery Day 24 mins
157. Growing Up 45 mins
Grown But Not Forgotten friendship
Home is Where the Home is: facing past mistakes
162. Frankenpooh: Halloween story (no case so no info) 32 mins
Animals, Insects and Plants
16. Let's Go to The Zoo
18. Magic School Bus Butterflies
19. Eyewitness Insects
20. The Spider The Cicada The Wasp
21. Creepy Creatures (vampire bat, black widow, Komodo lizard)
22. Beepers, Tweeters, and Peckers - 40 minutes
(woodpeckers, baby eagles, ducklings, goslings, chicks, pelicans)
23. The Teddy Bears - 40 minutes
(polar, grizzly and black bear cubs)
24. The Puppy Dogs - 40 minutes
(foxes, coyotes, wild dogs, hyenas)
25. The Kitty Kats - 40 minutes
(baby lions, leopards, cheetahs, bobcats, tigers, and cougars)
26. Way Cool Creepy Crawlies - 40 minutes
(froggies, caterpillars, turtles, beetles, lizards, spiders)
27. Tree Animals
(chameleon, stick insect, fruit bat, and buzzard)
28. Animal Bloopers - 21 minutes
29. Magic School Bus Going Batty and Inside the Haunted House
30. Bat Adventures from Audubon
67. (Insects: Infinite Voyage, Ber Bears Trouble With Friends,
Coughing Catfish and Teddy Bear Picnic)
79. The Secret World of Sharks and Rays 60 mins
80. Super, Natural Grizzly Bear 40 mins
81. Eyewitness Cat: lions to house cats 35 mins
83. Natl Geographic: Wonders Down Under Australia
(leaping kangaroo, platypuses, koalas) 45 min
84. Natl Geographic: Adventures in Asia
(pandas, orangutans, huge manta rays, elephant families) 40 min
85. Natl Geographic: Amazing North America
from frozen arctic to southern swamplands
(polar bears, white wolves, alligators, ground squirrels) 47 min
91. Jack Hanna’s Animal Bloopers 2001
100. Fuzzy Wuzzy Bears: Growing Up Wild - Reader's Digest Series 30 mins
103. The Magic School Bus: Goes to Seed 30 mins
116. Animal Senses 30 mins
117. Backyard Wildlife animals that live where people do 30 mins
125. Magic School Bus: Spins a Web - The Special Ways of Spiders 30 min
128. The Crocodile Hunter: Steve's Most Dangerous Adventures 50 min
129. Baby Animals from the Wild: tigers, gorillas, giraffes, elephants, zebras, more 26 mins
131. A Day with Lions and other Cats: leopards, tigers, cheetahs, lions, house cats, cat care, wild cats, sing along songs 30 mins
132. Bonkers for Babies Zoo Life with Jack Hanna monkey, elephant, dolphin, giragge, gorilla, white rhino 36 mins
133. Fantastic Follies: Marty Stouffer - animals antics, close calls, and unbelievable incidents 58 mins
134. Backyard Wildlife: Marty Stouffer - raccoons, deer, coyotes, skunks, birds 30 mins
146. Animal Bites: Vol 5. 2 episodes: Wildlife Bloopers 50 mins
mongoose race, frog wrestling comp, bear salmon fishing
147. Animal Bites: Vol 4. 2 episodes: Wildlife Bloopers 50 mins
frogfish with worm bodypart, raccoon and corn snake,
wrestling marmot
168. Reptile: Eyewitness 35 min Narr by Martin Sheen
187. Weather: Eyewitness 35 min Narr by Martin Sheen
188. Jaws and Claws: Really Big Teeth 45 min shark and crocodiles
189. Chomping on bugs, swimming sea slugs, and stuff that makes animals special
212. Zoo Life with Jack Hanna- Visit animal zoos in England 36 mins
213. Eyewitness Skeleton- 35 mins skeletons inside and outside, strongest bone
214. Funniest Home Videos- Animal Antics 51 mins
215. Nature Series Creatures of the Sea 30 mins
216. Magic School Bus Hops Home- frog habitat and needs 30 mins
225. See How they Grow- Reader's Digest- baby animals pets, farm animals, pond animals, insects and spiders
226. Reader's Digest Growing Up Wild- Leaping Lizards- info about snakes and lizards
227. Reader's Digest Growing Up Wild- Fish Fiesta- fish, sharks and octopus
229. Crazy Critters- smelly skunks, prickly porcupines, armadillo
31. Dinosaurs (tyrannosaurus, pterodactyl and triceratops)
32. Dinosaurs (3 above, Biggest Dinos, Day of the Dino and Stegosaurus)
66. Dinosaurs! Raffi Concerts
78. Jurassic Giants: Dinosaurs and More 55 mins Smithsonian
148. Saltopus and Alkasaur: Discovery Channel use the first 8? minutes
to show the lives of a newly hatched meat eaters and plant eaters
149. National Geographic kids: I Love Dinosaurs 80 mins
Jobaria- new dino discovery Africa
sue the TRex discovered in the US
dino question and answer
205. The Berenstain Bears and the missing Dinosaur Bone-prob solve
206. The Land Before Time- tale of hope, survival and love - 1hr 9min
207. Eyewitness Dinosaur- 35 mins - digging, reconstruction, what looked like
208. Nature Series: Learning About Dinosaurs 30 mins
209. Nature Series: Dinosaurs Fun, Facts, and Fantasy 30 mins vol 1
210. Nature Series: Dinosaurs Fun, Facts, and Fantasy 30 mins vol 2
211. Magic School Bus: The Busasaurus- Bone up on Prehistoric Animals 30 mins
Reading Rainbow
58. Digging Up Dinosaurs Dinosaurs! with Fred Savage
59. Digging Up Dinosaurs SP
60. Mummies in Egypt
61. (Milk Makers, Phila Zoo, Germs, cartoon, 3 Hat Day, Best Friends,
Knowzone: Dinnosaurs, Bionoc Bunny, Pocket for Corduroy)
62. (Honeybee, Chicken't Only Ones, Three By the Sea,
Allistair in Outer Space, Feelings and Koko's Kitten,
Simon's Book, Mama Don't Allow, Space Case, Mr. Rogers 3 Pigs)
63. (Gregory the Terrible Eater, Magic School Bus Inside the Earth,
Water Pollution, Weather)
64. (Milk Makers, Phila Zoo, Germs, 3 Hat Day)
65. (Star Trek, Tortoise and the Hare, Teddy Bear Picnic)
74. Reading Rainbow (Bugs and Butterflies, Gila Monster and moving,
diners/pasta making, san diego zoo/gregory the terrible eater,
Duncan and Dolores/cat story, Phila Zoo/Mummers
75. Reading Rainbow (Pets and others not labeled)
90. Reading Rainbow: post office, bats and Stellaluna, environmental print
144. Learning to Read Signs- environmental print 30 mins
17. Let's Go to The Farm
87. 3 stories total 25 mins
Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type
The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash (class trip to a farm)
The Pigs' Wedding
101. Real Life Farm Adventure for Kids: Hard Hat Harry's 30 mins
features farm equipment, tractors and combines
113. Barnyard Buddies: calves, chicks, piglets and lambs 30 mins
114. A Day With Farmer John 28 mins
123. All About Old McDonald's Farm animals and equipment 40 mins
130. Baby Animals on the Farm: piglets, ducklings, foals, calves, kids, more 25 mins
158. Little Red Tractor Stories 30 mins
The Day Aunt Ellie Went for a Swim (sheep stuck in mud)
The Day Stan's World Turned Upside Down (windmill ride sails)
33. Richard Scarry's Nursery Stories
(Gingerbread Man, Goldilocks and 3 Bears and 3 Pigs)
34. Frosty the Snowman (narrated by Jimmy Durante)
35. Jungle Animals Tales
(Saggy Baggy Elephant, Tawny Scrawny Lion, Rupert the Rhinoceros)
36. Honesty - Adventures from the Book of Virtues
(The Indian Cinderella, The Frog Prince
George Washington and the Cherry Tree and The Poem "Truth")
37. Fairy Tale Classics
(Jack and the Beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood
and The 3 Billy Goats Gruff)
38. Frog and Toad Together - Friends Together
(The Garden, Cookies, Dragons and Giants, The Dream)
39. Sesame Street Start-to-Read Video
(Ernie's Big Mess, Nobody Cares About Me, My Doll is Lost)
71. Thomas the Tank Engine Story Stops:
Cranky Bugs, Lady Hatt's Birthday Party,Double Teething Troubles,
Thomas Percy and Old Slow Coach, Busy Going Backwards,
A Better View For Gordon, Music Video Night Train 37 mins
72. Sweet Dreams, Spot (ages 4 and under):
Spot in the Garden, Spot's Lost Bone,
Spot's Favorite Toy, Storytime with Spot
126. Spot's Magical Christmas Santa's Lost Sleigh 30 min
86. Stellaluna Bat Story 40 min baby bat lives with bird family
89. Madeline and the Dog Show A Story About Bravery 26 minutes
105. A Pocket for Corduroy:
a bear left at a laundromat looks for his owner
The Remarkable Riderless Runaway Tricycle:
a magical tricycle's escape from the trash collector 30 min tape
121. Disney's Mickey and the Beanstalk: courage 29 mins
124. Dragon Tales: You Can Do It 40 mins (perseverance)
Zak Takes a Dive-trying new activities is fun
A Feat on Her Feet-try rollerskating
A Liking to Biking-with practice, learns to ride a bike
135. There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly and more stories that sing
Antarctic Antics by Judy Sierra: penguins
Musical Max by Robert Kraus: stops playing
161. Teletubbies Nursery Rhymes (no case so no info)
163. Little Einsteins: classical music and works of art
Birthday Balloons 22 mins (mission to find balloons)
Dragon Kite 22 mins (rescue kites and lead parade)
Ring Around the Planet 22 mins (put back Saturn Ring)
164. Slightly Scary Stories 30 mins
The Teacher From the Black Lagoon (expects the worst
What's Under my Bed? James Stevenson
By the Light of the Halloween Moon (brave girl)
The Three Robbers (orphans)
176. Good Night Gorilla, and more bedtime stories 29 mins
Good Night, Gorillaby Peggy Rathmann
How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? by Jane Yolen
Happy Birthday, Moon by Frank Asch
The Napping House by Audrey Wood
183. The Rainbow Fish - friendship treat people right
Dazzle the Dinosaur
184. The Very Hungry Caterpillar and other stories 32 mins
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me
The Very Quiet Cricket - learn to speak
The Mixed Up Chameleon - be yourself
I See a Song - imagination
185. Corduroy 16 mins - loses his button
186. A Pocket for Corduroy - find owner 30 mins
The Remarkable Riderless Runaway Tricycle - escape the trash collector
219. William Steig Stories
Pete's A Pizza- parents cheer up Pete
Doctor DeSoto - trust and resourcefulness
The Amazing Bone
230. Goodnight Moon and other Sleepytime Tales and songs
There's a Nightmare in my Closet
40. Sesame Street Visits the Firehouse
41. There Goes a Firetruck
42. There Goes a Spaceship
77. Some Day I Wanna Be...An Astronaut 30 mins
102. Real Life Giant Construction Equipment for Kids: Hard Hat Harry's 1 hour
40 pieces of construction equipment
118. Firetruck Songs
127. Stop Drop Roll Cool and Call 6 min from the Burn Foundation and RPFDept
159. Fire & Rescue 30 mins
160. There Goes a Bulldozer 35 mins
165. Discovering Things That Go 25 mins (no case so no info)
Rescue Heroes
172. Rock Star on the Rocks 11 mins (initiative?) - girl takes care of dad after plane crash
Last Stop: Disaster 11 mins - Japan bullet train brakes fail, child onboard
173. Houston, We Have a Problem 11 mins - in space must save another Resue Hero
Trapped Beneath the Sea 11 mins - rescue sub and crew
174. Rescue Heroes 22 mins first adventure: Lava Alarm - volcano erupts
175. Rescue Heroes Tidal Wave - Wendy overcomes fear and learns to trust team
Preschool and Basic Skills
43. Musical Instruments
44. Yes, I Can Be a Friend featuring the Muppet Babies - 51 minutes
The Great Cookie Robbery (sharing) Pigerella (blaming)
45. Barney Goes to School (songs and rhymes)
46. Preschool Power 4 (plants, make clay, make a snack, science)
47. Golden Video - Skill Building Fun
(manners and sharing, number games, rhyming story, shapes and colors)
48. Shapes
49. Telling Time
50. Colors
51. Numbers
53. Letters and Numbers (Number City and Alphabet Farm)
54. Letters Sounds and Words
55. Babysongs
56. Big Bird's Favorite Party Games
57. Sesame Street Sing Yourself Silly
(Honker Duckie, Jellyman, Ladybug Picnic, 10 Turtles, Put Down Duckie)
96. Stanley (playhousedisney.com)
Teacher's Guide: Poster with Math Activities
Baby Pictures: Stanley worries about growing up too fast. He discovers
that goldfish grow up in 5 to 7 days, but it takes humans 14 to 18 years.
Up the Apple Tree: He discovers a creative way to cope with being small
in a tall world, explores the concepts of size, imagination and invention
119. Shapes in the Real World finding shapes in an amusement park 30 mins
120. Sesame Street: Learning to Add and Subtract
122. Which Way Weather? seasons and weather and activities to do 30 mins
138. My First Science Video: fingerprinting, magnets, weather predicted,
experiments 45 mins
73. The Adventures of Wiggly Tooth 13 mins
151. Dr. Rabbit: The Legend of Tooth Kingdom 16 mins
167. Safety 4 Kids
Don't Touch It. It's Hot
Swimming Pool
Buckle Up
I Like Being Safe
169. Higglytown Heroes - Playhouse Disney 3-D animated preschool series
Flappy's Not Happy - veteranarian 13 mins
Great Un-Expectations - librarian 13 mins
Green in the Gills - artist shows how to mix green paint
192. Sounds The Letters Make 35 mins
for Speech, Reading, and Spelling With Music
School House Rock
92. School House Rock Grammar Rock 30 minutes
Unpack Your Adjectives; Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Get Your Adverbs Here;
Conjunction Junction; Interjections!; Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla;
Verb: That's What's Happening; A Noun is a Person Place or Thing;
Busy Prepostitions; The Tale of Mr. Morton
93. School House Rock Multiplication Rock 32 mins
Two Elementary, My Dear; Three is a Magic Number; Four-Legged Zoo;
Five, Ready or not, Here I Come; I’ve Got Six; Lucky Seven Sampson;
Figure Eight; Naughty Number Nine; Hy Hero Zero
Shari Lewis
97. Jump into the Story by Shari Lewis: Tiki Tiki Timbo, The Ugly Duckling,
The Emperor's New Clothes, The Lion and the Mouse
98. Do As I Do by Shari Lewis: fun finger games and simple dances
make "follow the leader" a good time for kids
Horseacowachickeapigapotamus, Silliest Game, Follow the Leader,
The Ants Go Marching, The Cabin in the Woods, Skip to My Lou,
Wiggle Your Finger, Coup de Cluck, Head and Shoulders
150. Philadelphia Sports Follies 30 mins
Tug McGraw: plays, hits and catches in football, baseball, basketball and hockey
of Philadelphia players and teams
190. Hockey's Greatest Hits - the best fights, slips, slides, and falls
191. Pro Football Funnies - stumbles, fumbles, etc
Reading Rainbow Alphabetical List of Titles
Curiculum Index