Mrs. Zerby, Mrs. Messina, Mrs. DePaola and Mrs. Staley read
If Dinosaurs Came Back by Bernard Most at Dinosaur Day.
Here is what we think would happen if the dinosaurs came back.

Morning Class

James - They would eat the people.
Jason - I like a dinosaur for a pet.
Kaitlyn - I would keep one for a pet.
Danny - It could help me paint a picture.
Jesse - They would run away.
Behn - They could chop down trees.
Eddie - I love my pet dinosaur, Spot.
Katie B. - It would eat my grass.
Kenny - He would be my pet.
Victoria - It would help paint my house.
Stevie - A dinosaur is chasing a bad robber.
Katie Z. - They would jump up and down.
Sam - A long neck is eating a tree.
Great - They would break down the houses.
Jared - The dinosaurs would help fix houses.
Dylan - It would be cool if the dinosaurs would scare away robbers.
Camryn - They could help save people.
Brooke - The dinosaur can help me play basketball.
Bobby - It would scare away robbers.
Madison Ri - I think it would be great to have a dinosaur slide!
Josh - The dinosaurs would catch the robbers.

Afternoon Class

Angelica - They would knock down buildings!
Scotty - They would chomp down my house!
Joey - They would eat people.
Morgan - It would be terrible.
Mikey - I would like a dinosaur to be my pet.
Emilyanne - I would like to be a dinosaur climber.
Maysha - it would perform at the circus and balance a ball on his head.
Madison Re. - If my cat got stuck in a tree, the dinosaur could get him down.
Sarah - My dinosaur would help pick apples.
Julia - They could help get the books on the tall shelves at the library.
Emily - I could have one for a pet.
Elaine - My dinosaur could take me for a walk.
Brittany - Dinosaurs could get the kite down from a tree.
Ryan - They would eat people.
Lexi - A long neck will give me a ride to school.
Sean - The dinosaur would give me a ride to school.
Kayleigh was absent when we read this story.

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