Thanksgiving Day Fun on the Internet
Activities Songs and Poems History

BlackDog's Thanksgiving Fun and Games
Puzzles and Coloring Sheets
The Colors I Eat on Thanksgiving Day Book
I Am Thankful For... Book
I Am Thankful Book - draw and fill in the blank
Roll and Color a Turkey Dice Game - 2 versions
Do some Thanksgiving and turkey activities at home. Gobble! Gobble!
Thanksgiving Printables
Thanksgiving Tales
Fill in the blanks, click on "submit" then read or print the final story.
A Rebus Thanksgiving Story to read with your child.
Pilgrim Boy's Hat
Pilgrim Girl's Hat
Thanksgiving Crafts from Kid's Domain
Make a Leaf Turkey
Turkey Tic Tac Toe play online!
Thanksgiving Word Puzzles
Thanksgiving Recipes
Send a Friend or Relative a Thanksgiving ECard
Thanksgiving Resources: Letter Patterns, Border, Shape Book Patterns more
Thanksgiving Activities from ChildFun
Ben and Jerry's Thanksgiving
Online Thanksgiving Games from Kid's Domain
Thanksgiving Games from A Kid's Heart
Thanksgiving Activities from Billy Bear
Thanksgiving at Alphabet Soup
Pumpkin Activities
PC Downloads for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Crossword Puzzle for older kids
Rexanne's Thanksgiving
Links to lots of recipes, kid's Thanksgiving sites,
general sites, history and ECards!
Oreo Cookie Turkey
November Holidays
Recipes Adapted from the 1600's
"Disguise a Turkey" Home Project Examples
How to Cook a Turkey Questions
1. Where or how do you get your turkey?
2. What do you have to do to it to get it ready?
3. What temperature do you set the oven on?
4. How long do you cook it? (minutes, hours or days)
5. How do you know it's done cooking?
6. What else can you eat with your turkey for Thanksgiving?
7. What would be a good dessert to have?
Thanksgiving Plays, Turkey Glyph, and Poems
Thanksgiving Ideas

Songs and Poems
Thanksgiving Songs
Printable Thank You Song
Harvest Poems and Songs
Thanksgiving Song
Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle
Let's be thankful for this day
For our friends and for our play
Let's be thankful; let's be glad
For the food and things we have
Let's give thanks for you and me
And our home and family.
Mr. Turkey
Tune: Frere Jacque
Mr. Turkey, Mr. Turkey
Run away, run away
If you are not careful
You will be a mouthful
Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving Day!
Do the Turkey Pokey
Tune: Hokey Pokey
Sing the Hokey Pokey like normal,
but then the last line goes as follows:
"You do the Turkey Pokey and you gobble all around,
that's what it's all about."
Turkey Pokey - Version 2
Tune: Hokey Pokey
You put your right wing in.
You put your right wing out.
You put your right wing in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the turkey pokey
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about.
Additional verses: Left wing, Drumsticks, Stuffing, Wattle (Head),
Tail Feathers (Bottom), Turkey body.
I'm A Little Indian
Tune: I'm A Little Teapot
I'm a little Indian on the go,
Here is my arrow and here is my bow.
When I go a-hunting, hear me shout-
Bears and buffalo better watch out!
I'm A Little Pilgrim
Tune: I'm A Little Teapot
I'm a little pilgrim on the run,
Here is my knife and here is my gun.
When I go a-hunting, hear my shout-
Deer and turkey better watch out!
I'm Thankful
Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat
I'm thankful for my friends
And my family.
I'm thankful for the food I eat.
I'm happy to be me!
Turkey on the Farm
Tune: The Wheels on the Bus
The turkey on the farm says, "Gobble, gobble, gobble.
Gobble, gobble, gobble. Gobble, gobble, gobble."
The turkey on the farm says, "Gobble, gobble, gobble."
Thanksgiving Day is near.
The farmer on the farm goes chop, chop, chop.
Chop, chop, chop. Chop, chop, chop.
The farmer on the farm goes chop, chop, chop.
Thanksgiving Day is here.
The turkey on the farm says, "Please help me!
Please help me! Please help me!"
The turkey on the farm says, "Please help me!"
Thanksgiving Day is here.
The children on the farm say, "Come and hide.
Come and hide. Come and hide."
The children on the farm say, "Come and hide."
Thanksgiving Day is here.
The wife on the farm looks all around.
Looks all around. Looks all around.
The wife on the farm looks all around.
Thanksgiving Day is here.
The people on the farm eat Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Kentucky Fried Chicken. Kentucky Fried Chicken.
The people on the farm eat Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Thanksgiving Day is here.
The turkey on the farm says, "Gobble, gobble, gobble.
Gobble, gobble, gobble. Gobble, gobble, gobble."
The turkey on the farm says, "Gobble, gobble, gobble."
Thanksgiving Day has passed.
The Turkey Shot Out of the Oven
by Jack Prelutsky
The turkey shot out of the oven
and rocketed into the air,
it knocked every plate off the table
and partly demolished a chair.
It ricocheted into a corner
and burst with a deafening boom,
then splattered all over the kitchen,
completely obscuring the room.
It stuck to the walls and the windows,
it totally coated the floor,
there was turkey attached to the ceiling,
where there'd never been turkey before.
It blanketed every appliance,
It smeared every saucer and bowl,
there wasn't a way I could stop it,
that turkey was out of control.
I scraped and I scrubbed with displeasure,
and thought with chagrin as I mopped,
that I'd never again stuff a turkey
with popcorn that hadn't been popped!

It was Sarah Josepha Hale, a magazine editor, whose efforts eventually led to what we recognize as Thanksgiving. Hale wrote many editorials championing her cause in her Boston Ladies' Magazine, and later, in Godey's Lady's Book. She was fired with the determination of having the whole nation join together in setting apart a national day for giving thanks "unto Him from who all blessings flow." In 1852, her campaign succeeded in uniting 29 states in marking the last Thursday of November as "Thanksgiving Day." Finally, after a 40-year campaign of writing editorials and letters to governors and presidents, Hale's passion became a reality. In 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as a national day "of thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father."
The Mayflower Web Page
National Museum of the American Indian
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade