Do You Know My Valentine?
Tune: The Muffin Man
Do you know my valentine?
My valentine?
My valentine?
Do you know my valentine?
His/Her name is _____________.
Our class plays this singing game when we study the sound of Vv near Valentine's Day. You will need a big valentine, either one you buy in a store or one you make. The teacher can go first to model how to play. Everyone sings the first 4 lines then the one holding the valentine sings the last line, fills in a child's name, and hands the card to that child. Depending on the size of your group you may want to give everyone a turn or save some for later. You can also play this singing game with your family.
Variation: Change the last line to:
He/She's wearing (a/an) (color) (article of clothing).
For example, "He's wearing a gray shirt."
The other students must then guess the name of the valentine. Whoever guesses correctly becomes the next singer.
Oh, My Darling Valentine - Tune: Clementine
I Like Hearts - Tune: Twinkle Twinkle
More Printable February Poetry From Nellie Edge
Special Valentine
Prepare 5 valentines and 5 envelopes to use on the flannel board.
Look at all these valentines; (put valentines on board)
I made one for each friend.
I'll put them in some envelopes,
So each one I can send.
How many valentines do you see?
Start to count them now with me.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
One for ______(name of child)
One for ______
One for ______, too.
One for ______
And here is one for YOU! (Point to child)
Repeat until each child's name is mentioned.
Valentine Poem
5 little valentines just for you
The first one says, "My love is true."
The second one says, "You have my heart."
The third one says, "Let us never part."
The fourth one says, "Won't you please be mine?"
The fifth one says, "'Til the end of time."
I'll Make A Valentine
Tune: London Bridge
I'll make a bright red valentine,
Valentine, valentine.
I'll make a bright red valentine,
And give it right to you.
I'll trim it with lace and bows,
Lace and bows, lace and bows.
I'll trim it with lace and bows,
And give it right to you.
Be My Valentine
Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb
You're a special friend of mine,
Friend of mine, friend of mine.
You're a special friend of mine.
Be my Valentine!
Valentines Say I Love You
Tune: London Bridge
Valentines say I love you,
I love you, I love you.
Valentines say I love you
Yes, I really do.
I've Got a Big Red Heart
Tune: For He's a Jolly Good Fellow
I've got a big red heart
That I will give to you.
It brings you love and kisses,
Because you are my friend.
Yes, This is a Special Day
Tune: Oh Dear, What Can the Matter Be?
Yes, yes, this is a special day,
Yes, yes, this is a special day,
Yes, yes, this is a special day,
I can give hearts to my friends.
Tune: Bingo
To show you like your special friends,
Just give them each a heart.
H-E-A-R-T, H-E-A-R-T, H-E-A-R-T,
Each heart says I like you!
My Valentine Heart
When I say I love you
(Point to lips)
It comes from my heart
(Hand on heart)
You hear it in your ear
(Point to ear)
And it sounds very smart
(Point to head)
I love it when you're proud of me
(Stand very tall)
You say it all day long
(Stretch arms wide)
And when I hear you say it
(Point to ear)
My heart sings a merry song
(Hand on heart)
Be My Valentine
Tune: Mary Had A Little Lamb
You're a special
Friend of mine
Friend of mine
Friend of mine
You're a special
Friend of mine
Be my valentine!
Five Big Valentines
Five big valentines from the corner drug store
I mailed one to a friend - then there were four
Four big valentines, lovely ones to see
I mailed one to my Mommy - then there were three
Three big valentines - red, shiny, and new
I mailed one to my Daddy - then there were two
Two big valentines, the best is yet to come
I mailed one to Grandma - Then there was one
One big valentine, the giving is almost done
I mailed it to Grandpa - and now there is none
Valentine Fingerplay
Let's count valentines
One, two, three
Let's count valentines
All for me!
Let's count valentines
Four, five, six
Let's count valentines
Match and mix
Let's count valentines
Seven, eight, nine
Let's count valentines
I'm glad you're mine
I'm A Little Valentine
I'm a little valentine
Red and White
With ribbons and lace
I'm a beautiful sight
I can say, "I Love You"
On Valentine's Day
Just put me in an envelope
And give me away
Here is a valentine.
I made it just for you.
With paper and ribbons
And lots of Elmer's glue!
I cut it with my scissors
And designed it with my paint.
If I tell you that I love you,
Do you promise not to faint?
Three Valentines
Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb
Three valentines I have for you,
Have for you, have for you.
Three valentines I have for you,
Pink and red and blue.
I'll put them in the mail for you,
Mail for you, mail for you.
I'll put them in the mail for you,
Pink and red and blue.
Yes, I Do
Tune: Three Blind Mice
I love you, I love you
Yes, I do, yes, I do
I love you every night and day,
I love you when I work and play,
I love you in so many ways,
I love you!
All the Time
Tune: Oh, My Darling Clementine
I love you, I love you,
I love you all the time.
And I hope, oh yes I hope
You will be my valentine
I love you , I love you,
I love you night and day.
And I hope, oh yes, I hope
You will love me the same way.
I Love You
Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb
Suzy, Suzy, I love you,
I love you, yes I do.
Suzy, Suzy, I love you,
Yes I do.
Substitute the names of your children for the names in the song.
Write a Letter
Tune: A-Tisket, A-Tasket
I love you, I love you,
This is what I must do,
Write a letter to you, love,
And tell you that I love you!
I love you, I love you,
This is what I hope you do,
Write a letter back to me,
And sign it I love you.
A Great Big Hug
Tune: The Wheels on the Bus
Oh, I just love your hugs and kisses,
Hugs and kisses, hugs and kisses.
Oh, I just love you hugs and kisses,
Come and give me some.
A great big hug and lots of kisses,
Lots of kisses, lots of kisses.
A great big hug and lots of kisses,
Ready? Here I come!
Hugs and Kisses
Tune: My Bonnie Lie over the Ocean
My mother says, "I love you."
My father, "I love you, too."
I give them hugs and kisses,
'Cause I love them, too!
Hugs and kisses
Hugs and kisses, I love you.
Hugs and kisses,
Hugs and kisses for you.
Tune: The Caissons Go Rolling Along
Hugs here, kisses there,
Hugs and kisses everywhere,
When it's time to say good-bye.
Hugs here, kisses there
Hugs and kisses everywhere,
When it's time to say good-bye.
Oh, it's kiss, kiss, kiss,
Anyone we're going to miss?
Hugs and kisses one last time,
Oh, we'll all sing this song,
When we have to move along,
Filled with hugs and kisses, good-bye.
Here's my Card
Tune: Frere Jacques
Be my valentine, be my valentine,
Here's my card, here's my card.
It says, "I love you"
It says, "I love you"
Will you be my valentine?
Tune: Did You Ever See a Lassie?
Will you please be my valentine,
My valentine, my valentine?
Will you please be my valentine?
For I love you.
Here's hugs and kisses
And lots of wishes.
Will you please be my valentine?
For I love you.
Please Be Mine
Tune: Pop Goes the Weasel
Here's a special card for you,
Will you please be mine?
It's filled with hugs and lots of love,
Be my valentine!
Be My Valentine
Tune: Row Row, Row Your Boat
Yes, yes, I love you,
Be my valentine.
Here's a heart just for you,
Won't you please be mine?
Yes, yes, watch me close,
Watch me while I sign.
I love you, yes, I do,
Be my Valentine
Five Little Valentines
One little valentine said, "I love you."
Tommy made another; then there were two
Two little valentines, one for me;
Mary made another; then there were three.
Three little valentines said, "We need more."
Johnny made another; then there were four
Four little valentines, one more to arrive;
Susan made another; then there were five.
Five little valentines, all ready to say.
"Be my valentine on this happy day."
Five Valentines
Five cheerful valentines from the ten cent store
I sent one to ____________; now I have four.
Four cheerful valentines, pretty ones to see
I gave one to ____________; now I have three.
Three cheerful valentines with flowers pink and blue-
I gave one to ____________; now I have two.
Two cheerful valentines-my story's almost done.
I gave one to ______________; now I have one.
One cheerful valentine-one and only one
I gave it to _______________; now I have none.
Insert a child's name in each blank space.
Five Pretty Valentines
Five pretty valentines sitting in the store,
(Child's name) bought one, and then there were four.
Four pretty valentines left on the shelf,
(Child's name) bought one, and then there were three.
Three pretty valentines waiting for a home,
(Child's name) bought one, and then there were two.
Two pretty valentines standing side by side,
(Child's name) bought one, and then there was one.
One pretty valentine left all alone
(Child's name) bought that valentine, and all were gone.
Make a Heart
Make a heart up in the sky.
Make it tall.
Make it wide.
Make a heart close to the ground.
Make it small;
then sit down.
Be My Valentine
Tune: Mary Had A Little Lamb
You're a special friend of mine,
Friend of mine, friend of mine.
You're a special friend of mine.
Please by my valentine.
I'm A Little Valentine
Tune: I'm a Little Teapot
I'm a little valentine,
Can't you see?
All decorated,
I'm pretty as can be.
I say, "I love you!"
And "Won't you be mine?"
So give me to a friend.
Oh, don't waste time!
Making Valentines
Tune: We Wish You a Merry Christmas
I'm making a pretty card.
I'm making a pretty card.
I'm making a pretty card
To give to my love.
I'll neatly write, "I love you!"
I'll neatly write, "I love you!"
I'll neatly write, "I love you!"
"Oh, won't you be mine?"
I'll trim it with lots of lace.
I'll trim it with lots of lace.
I'll trim it with lots of lace,
And a big, pretty bow.
I'll stick it in an envelope.
I'll stick it in an envelope.
I'll stick it in an envelope,
And seal it with love.
Please Be Mine
Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Oh how I want you for my Valentine!
Here's a card I made for you.
Won't you please be mine?
Look, listen, and you'll see
How much I like you!
Tell me now, oh tell me please,
That you like me too.
Ten Pretty Valentines
Tune: Ten Little Indians
One pretty, two pretty, three pretty valentines;
Four pretty, five pretty, six pretty valentines;
Seven pretty, eight pretty, nine pretty valentines;
Ten pretty valentines!
The Valentine Song
Tune: Mary Had A Little Lamb
Valentines say, "I love you!"
"I love you!" "I love you!"
Valentines say, "I love you!"
"I really, really do!"
Will You Be My Valentine?
Tune: London Bridge Is Falling Down
Will you be my valentine?
Valentine? Valentine?
Will you be my valentine
On this special day?
Suggestion: Stand in a circle to sing this song. One child stands in the center. At the end of the song, he/she chooses someone to be his/her valentine and join him/her inside the circle. The song is sung a second time and the new person inside the circle chooses a valentine. Continue until all children have been added to the circle.

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