Spring Flowers in My Yard
Early May Late May Early June

Sing Along to
Flowers Make a Rainbow The Garden Song
The Plant Part Song The Parts of Plants

Early May

This azalea is growing in our woods.

This bleeding heart bush grows next to our house.

These are the bleeding heart flowers up close.
When I was a child this plant grew in my yard.
When it bloomed, my mother showed us a "trick" the flower can do.
The flower comes apart to make 2 bunnies, 2 question marks,
an exclamation point and a pair of slippers.
Our friends were amazed!

These are the fragrant lily of the valley flowers.

Many money plants grow near the edge of our woods.

These are the purple blossoms from our PJM bush.

Wild violets grow all over our yard.

Many yellow flower plants are scattered in our woods.

Late May

This is a white field azalea. Half of it is blooming.

The strawberry geranium is sending out runners to make new plants.

Can you see the seed pods on the bleeding heart plant?

Each bridal wreath flower has many tiny white petals.

These are wild Johnny Jump-up flowers.

Dandelions grow all around our yard.

These are iris. They grow from a bulb.

The red things are going to be Japanese maple seeds.

The money plant that had flowers is now growing seeds.

These are the money plants that will bloom next year.

This rhododendron bush grows in our front yard.

This is the flower from a tulip poplar tree.

The yellow lilies and hosta will bloom during the summer.

Early June

These are the bleeding heart seed pods.

The Dutch Iris flower only blooms one day.

Grandpa's Whiskers (Cleome) is another plant that grew in my yard when I was a child.
It is also called The Spider Flower.
My Mom brought the seeds from Illinois to SE Pennsylvania in the 50's.

Honeysuckle vine is growing in our holly bush.
It smells so nice!


These are the money plant seed pods now.


Sedum is a succulent that grows easily from pieces of the plant.

Please sign our guestbook
and tell us how you feel about plants and flowers
or tell us about the plants you like to grow where you live.

Mrs. Jones' Yard in Spring
Mrs. Jones' Room
Theme List Plants and Seeds Trees Sing Along Songs