G - garlic, gravy, green beans, grapes, gooseberry, garbonzo, granola, grapefruit, guacamole, grapeseed oil, graham crackers, green olives, gailan, green pepper, garlic bread, goat's milk, gyoza, gala apples, guava, gumbo, gazpacho, gizzards, goulash
H - ham, horseradish, hamburger, hot dog, hoagie, honeydew, halibut, huckleberries, honey, hot chocolate, Heinz ketchup, Hollandaise, hummus, herbs, herrings, hearts of palm, hominy, hash browns, haggis, hog jowl, honey bun, Ho Ho's
I - ice cream, iced tea, icee, icing, Indian jujubee, iceberg lettuce, Italian bread, ita palm, In Australia icy pole: a frozen flavoured ice treat, icing sugar: confectioner's dusting sugar, and iced doughnut, Indian curry, Irish stew, imitation baco bits, Imitation crab, Impastata cheese, Indian pudding, infant formula, instant coffee, instant oatmeal, Italian dressing
K - kale, kohlrabi, kiwi, kidney beans, kumquat, kielbasa, Kool-Aid, ketchup, Kix cereal, Kit Kat candy bar, Kraft dinner, Knorr soup, Kraft dressing, kamut
L - lima bean, leeks, lentils, liver, lettuce, lasagna, lemons, limes, lobster, linguine, lemonade, lamb, lemon tarts, long john donuts, legumes, Little Debbies Snack Cakes, liverwurst, licorice, Life cereal,
M - mustard, macaroni, mushroom, milk, melon, muffin, marshmallows, mozzarella, mango, mince meat, marmalade, mahi-mahi, maraschino cherries, minestrone, margarine, maple syrup, mayonnaise, mashed potatoes, mackerel, miso, manicotti, martimonial cake, mousse, Mars bar, meatloaf, masala, millet, moussaka, mayhaws, marmite,
Jared from New Zealand
Lori sent several!
Regina from North Dakota
sent several
CSILabRat sent several!
Mrs. Warman
Mrs. Gunner sent several!
Kim B.
Alan G. sent several!
Isabelle sent lots of foods!
Emma sent several!
Wendi sent several!
Victoria W.
Lisa Holmes
Susan Baines
Trish, NZ
Brittany F.
Laurie H.
O'Sullivan Family
A – apples, apricots, artichokes, asparagus, avocado, apple juice
B – bananas, burritos, brown bread (whole grain), bagel, blueberries
C – carrot juice, corn bread or muffin, cereal (whole grain), cherries,
cheese (low-fat), cantaloupe, cottage cheese
D – dates, dried fruit
E – eggs, English muffins
F – fish (Salmon, trout), frittata, French toast, figs
G – grapes, grape juice, grapefruit, green bell peppers
H – honeydew melons, hot cereals
I – ices made from fruit or fruit juice
J – 100% fruit and vegetable juices, jelly
K – kiwifruits
L – low-fat granola and breakfast bars, low-sugar jelly, low-fat cream
cheese, lettuce
M – mangoes, muffins, (low-fat) milk
N – nuts (almonds, walnuts, pecans), nectarines
O – oatmeal, oranges, orange juice
P – pineapple, pancakes, peanut butter, papayas, plums, peaches,
potatoes, pita bread
Q – quick oats
R – raisin bread, raspberries, rice, refried beans, ricotta cheese (partskim),
red bell peppers
S – spinach, strawberries, salsa
T – tangerines, turkey bacon or sausage, tomatoes, tortillas, tomato juice
U – ugli fruit
V – Valencia orange, vegetable juice
W – watermelon, waffles
X –
Y – yogurt (low-fat)
Z – zucchini