Bleeding Heart Flowers

This bleeding heart plant grows next to our house.
It gets a southeastern exposure to the sun.

This plant is on the opposite side of the house.
It starts coming up when the other one is already blooming.

These are the bleeding heart flowers up close.

When I was a child this plant grew in my yard.
When it bloomed, my mother showed us a "trick" the flower can do.
The flower comes apart to make 2 bunnies, 2 question marks,
an exclamation point and a pair of slippers.
Our friends were amazed!

They are so beautiful when they bloom!

Can you see the long seed pods?
Where ever there was a flower a long seed pod grows.
We let the seed pods dry up on the plant
and allow the seeds to scatter on their own.
We always get "volunteers" the next year!

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and tell us how you feel about plants and flowers
or tell us about the plants you like to grow where you live.
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Mrs. Jones' Yard in Spring
Mrs. Jones' Room
Theme List Plants and Seeds Trees Sing Along Songs