Mrs. Kane's Class
Our Fire House Trip

We took a trip to the Ridley Park Fire Station. The firemen and women were kind enough to give us a tour of the station. The children really enjoyed themselves. When we came back from the trip each student wrote their own thank you note to the firemen telling them about their favorite part of the tour. Here is what they said.

Dylan - I liked trying on the coat and hats.

Kirsten - I liked the pumper truck.

Lauren - I liked trying on the equipment.

Jake - I liked the fire truck.

Michael - I liked the movie.

Kiera - I liked going in the fire truck.

Conor - I liked the fire truck.

Benny - I really liked trying on the coat and helmet.

Kelly - I liked watching the movie.

J. T. - I liked the movie about Elmo. Elmo kept getting in the firemen's way.

Alona - I liked when the firemen helped Big Bird.

Natalie - I liked the big dog and the TV.

Olivia - I liked the dog.

Caroline - I liked when Oscar had a fire in his trash can and the firemen came with a fire extinguisher.

Eric - I liked the hook and ladder truck.

Tapanja - I liked trying on the helmets and the jackets.

Austin - I liked the fire truck.

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