Lakeview School's Pledge
Today I am with my school family.
There is a respect here that you can clearly see.
We are truthful, trustworthy and listen actively.
Giving no putdowns, you can count on me
to give my personal best today!

Do the right thing! Treat people right!
Life Skills
Printable Life Skill Posters
Printable Kid Friendly List of Lifeskills
to feel and show concern for others
Common Sense
to use good judgment
to work together toward a common goal or purpose
to act according to one's beliefs despite fear of adverse consequences
a desire to investigate and seek understanding of one's world
to do your best
to be willing to alter plans when necessary
to make and keep a friend through mutual trust and caring
to do something, of one's own free will, because it needs to be done
to act according to a sense of what's right and wrong
to plan, arrange and implement in an orderly way; to keep things orderly and ready to use
to wait calmly for someone or something
to keep at it
satisfaction from doing one's personal best
Problem Solving
to create solutions to difficult situations and everyday problems
to respond to challenges and opportunities in innovative and creative ways
to respond when appropriate; to be accountable for one's actions
Sense of Humor
to laugh and be playful without hurting others

Thank you to Mr. Scott Hegman for typing
the Life Skill and Guideline Posters
and sharing them with us!

Lifelong Guidelines
Printable Lifelong Guideline Posters

to act in a manner that makes one worthy of trust and confidence
to be honest about things and feelings with oneself and others
Active Listening
to listen with the intention of understanding what the speaker intends to communicate
No Put-Downs
to never use words, actions and/or body language that degrade, humiliate, or dishonor others
Personal Best
to do one's best given the circumstances and available resources

Lakeview's Mission Statement
It is the mission of Lakeview School's staff and parents to provide
a safe and secure environment for our children so they can learn
in a friendly nurturing place. We will encourage respect and appreciation
for the diverse backgrounds, abilities, skills and interests of others
while maintaining high academic standards. We will create an environment
that supports collaboration among students, staff, parents and community members.

Connecting Learning Assures Successful Students
C. L. A. S. S.    Brain Research

C.L.A.S.S. E-Tools Archive

C.L.A.S.S Teaching Resources

Welcome to C.L.A.S.S.'s Wiki

Brain research has learned much about the effect threat has on the brain's ability to learn. In simple terms, fear limits exploration. Threat, real or perceived, significantly restricts, if not eliminates, students' ability to fully engage in the learning process. To explore the new and different and to be open to new ideas requires confidence that one is in a safe environment, one in which mistakes and difficulty in understanding/doing something are considered just part of learning, not an opportunity for sarcasm and put-downs.

Things to do in the classroom:
¥ Use the life skills, lifelong guidelines, and life goals. Refer to them throughout the day by pointing out students who are using them and how they are using them. Refer to characters in the students' reading who are and are not using them.

¥ Ensure full membership in a community by conducting community circles and establishing learning clubs.

¥ Use daily agendas and written procedures so students know what to expect.

Absence of threat does not mean absence of consequences. Misbehavior and failure to complete work have consequences in the real world and so should they in the classroom. What matters is fairness, consequences appropriate to the nature of the infraction, and emotional consistency of those who apply the consequences.

Things to do in the classroom:
¥ As a class family develop consequences for behaviors. Get input from the students about what should happen when a student misses homework, calls out, disrupts the class.

¥ Post the consequences and provide choices.

¥ When a student misbehaves, have him/her write about what happened and what consequences he/she will experience.

Brain Tip ­ Movement, Oxygen, Water

Provide movement in the classroom. Movement is the quickest and most reliable way to add fun to the moment. It resets our emotional state, provides opportunity for students to let off steam and reenergizes them. It is fundamental to the very existence of a brain.

Things to do in the classroom:
¥ Have students move at least once per hour.
¥ Have students stand during appropriate activities.
¥ Change the location of lessons to provide more vivid memory triggers.
¥ Conduct periodic stretching exercises.
¥ Body map concepts by putting specific ideas to movements.

The brain uses one-fifth of the body's oxygen. Research tells us that breathing high-quality air increases both mental functioning and attentiveness.

Things to do in the classroom:
¥ Bring in plants to increase the amount of oxygen.
¥ Open windows whenever possible.
¥ Incorporate movement to increase circulation,
which in turn brings added nutrients and oxygen to the brain cells.

Water is the brain's second favorite food, right after oxygen.
Dehydration can have a marked effect on the brain.
A lack of water can cause lethargy and stress.

Things to do in the classroom:
¥ Allow students to keep water bottles at their desks for frequent drinks.
This usually does not increase trips to the bathroom.
¥ Drink water yourself to keep alert and to decrease stress.


Procedures and Routines Checklist
from Harry Wong

____Entering the classroom
____Getting to work immediately
____When you are tardy
____Listening to and responding to questions
____End of the day dismissal
____Participating in class discussions
____When you need paper or pencil
____Sharpening pencils
____Bathroom or water fountain
____When you need help
____Keeping your desk orderly
____Checking out class materials
____Indicating whether you understand
____Coming to attention
____When you are absent
____Working cooperatively
____Changing groups or centers
____Keeping your notebook
____Going to the office
____The schedule for the day
____Grades and progress reports
____Finding directions for each assignment
____Morning routine
____Passing in papers
____Exchanging papers
____Returning student work
____Getting materials ready without disturbing others
____Handing out playground equipment
____Moving about the room
____Going to specials and lunch
____Using class library books
____Heading on papers
____When you finish early
____Returning to a task after an interruption
____Asking a question
____When a schoolwide announcement is made
____Walking in the hall
____Responding to a fire drill
____Responding to a tornado drill
____Responding to an evacuation drill
____When visitors are in the classroom
____If the teacher is out of the classroom
____What to do with unfinished assignments
____If the phone should ring
____When someone calls on the intercom
____If you are suddenly ill
____Writing homework assignments in agenda

Funderstanding: Brain-based Learning

Character Education Resources
Links to Information, Lesson Plans and Printables

Mrs. Jones' Room