Bingo Prize Collection     

Lakeview is collecting Bingo prizes for the residents at Fair Acres and other neighborhood nursing homes in conjunction with our annual focus on senior citizens. No money needs to be spent as many homes have items received and not used. Please help us with our collection during the month of January. Thanks!

Some suggestions for Bingo prizes include:
knee highs walletsnote cards
combs stationeryemery boards
perfume mirrors small picture frames
nail polish soap small stuffed animals
powder change purse religious items
hard candy baskets knick-knacks
lipstick stamps hand cream
shaving lotion mugs all occasion cards
socks toothbrush costume jewelry
men's belts suspendersmagnifying glass
bobby pins small gamespuzzle books
large print books pens and pencilscoloring books
with large objects
mittens glovesother little items

Mrs. Jones' Room