Letter Xx

Activities   Songs and Poems   Sing Along Song

Letter Xx Activities

The letter-sound association we are studying this week is "X x." There are no words in English beginning with the sound that "X x" usually represents, which is /ks/, the sound you hear at the end of the word "box."

Show your child how to play "Tic Tac Toe." Let your child be X.

Xx is for xylophone

Show your child how to make "X x" this way:
Start at the top each time. Make 2 sliding boards that cross each other.

Songs and Poems

The X x Song
Tune: Where is Thumbkin?
Click here to sing along with the music.

Where is Xx?
Where is Xx?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How are you today Xx?
Very well I thank you.
Xx away. Xx away.

The first time you sing the song, hide your hands behind your back and bring them in front of you. Cross your fingers to form the letter X.
The second time do the same thing as above but form your X with your arms.
The last time you sing it form your X with your legs.

X-ray Technician Song
Tune: Hokey Pokey

I put the film in,
I take the film out,
I put the film in
And I turn you all about.
I am a technician
And I take the X-rays out.
That's what it's all about.

I take an x-ray one,
I take an x-ray two,
I take an x-ray three
To show what's inside of you.
I am a technician
And I take the X-rays out.
That's what it's all about.


The Letter X
Tune: Mulberry Bush
Phonics Fun K-1 by Carson Dellosa

But X just likes to have its way.
It doesn't say "X" all day.
It'd rather sound like "Z""Z""Z"
When it's a beginning letter!


Mrs. Jones' Class    Letter of the Week