Double double ice ice,
Double double cream cream.
Double ice, double cream,
Double double ice cream.
For the first line form fists and tap them twice against the fists of your playmate (double, double). Then open fists, palms facing forward, high five your playmate twice with both hands (ice, ice).
For the second line form fists again and tap them twice against the fists of your playmate (double, double). Then open fists, palms facing you, high five your playmate twice with the back of both hands (cream, cream).
For the lines "double ice, double cream", the actions are the same except you do it only once.
Then for the last line repeat the action for "double, double" then open fists, palms facing forward, and high five your playmate once then turn your hands so that palms are facing you and high five your playmate with the back of your hand once.
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