Our classes will observe the life cycle of a Painted Lady Butterfly in May.
All ages will enjoy learning about butterflies at "Enchanted Learning."
There are lots of pictures to go along with the words which is very helpful for young children. There are many printouts and crafts here! http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/butterfly/
Online Hide 'n' Seek Game
Find the insects by moving your cursor over the picture.
Print and Do a Word Find Puzzle about Butterflies and Moths
Paint a Butterfly Online
Shockwave is Required
Online Maze
Click on the puzzle then use the arrow keys to move the playing piece around.
Club Caterpillar: Kid Activities
Matching Butterfly File Folder Game
Print out the life cycle of a butterfly.
Print Three Colorful Butterfly Bookmarks
Make a Butterfly Wand
Connect the Dots Butterfly to Print
BillyBear4Kids: Butterflies to Print and Play
ColorBook pages, Maze, Tic-Tac-Butterfly Wings, Butterfly Cut Outs,
Flashcards, Bookmarks, Crafts, Mobile, Butterfly & Bug Online Games,
Insects Crossword Puzzle, Slider and Drag & Drop Puzzles
WordSearch, Jigsaw, and Butterfly Birthday Party Theme
Print then Color 6 Butterflies
Print a Monarch Butterfly to Color
Which butterfly is different?
Butterfly Crafts for young children
Make a Butterfly Mobile
Print a Tic-Tac-Toe Board and Playing Pieces
then Play with a Friend
Where do butterflies come from?
Make a Butterfly and a Chrysalis

Info and Pictures
Photos of a caterpillar hatching from an egg
Pictures of Butterflies and Caterpillars
Butterfly Basics and Photos
Learn about The Painted Lady Butterfly
The Amazing Life Cycle with Animated Pictures
The Family Butterfly Book: Activity Kit
The Life Cycle
Pictures and Info
Butterfly Computer Wallpaper
Download a Butterfly Screen Saver.
Lots of Links to Butterflies on the Internet

All visitors are invited to sign our Guest Book.

Butterfly Songs
Sing Along to
The Life of a Butterfly
I'm a Butterfly Song
Songs and Poems About Caterpillars and Butterflies

Found A Butterfly
Tune: Oh, My Darling
Found a butterfly,
Found a butterfly,
Found a yellow butterfly.
It was sipping the sweet nectar
From a flower by the fence.
Tried to catch him
In a bug net,
To keep him for my pet.
But he fluttered by,
Oh, sweet butterfly.
Haven't caught a pet yet!

The Life of a Butterfly
Tune: Skip To My Lou
Sing Along to this song!
I'm a caterpillar, wiggle with me,
I'm a caterpillar, wiggle with me,
I'm a caterpillar, wiggle with me,
What'll I be, my darlin'?
A chrysalis, now sleep like me,
A chrysalis, now sleep like me,
A chrysalis, now sleep like me,
What'll I be, my darlin'?
A butterfly, come fly with me,
A butterfly, come fly with me,
A butterfly, come fly with me,
What'll I be, my darlin'?
Now all together, let's do all three.
A caterpillar, a chrysalis,
A butterfly - three.
Move your body like this with me.
The life of a butterfly, darlin'.

The Caterpillar
Tune: The Adams Family
My tummy is fat (snap snap)
I like it like that (snap snap)
I wiggle around
I jiggle around
My tummy is fat (snap snap)
I'm a stri-ped caterpillar
I'm such a chubby feller
I love to eat and eat,
Those leaves are such a treat
My tummy is fat (snap snap)
I like it like that (snap snap)
I wiggle around
I jiggle around
My tummy is fat (snap snap)

My Metamorphosis
Tune: Skip to My Lou
I'm a tiny egg under a leaf.
I'm a tiny egg under a leaf.
I'm a tiny egg under a leaf.
That's the first part of my metamorphosis.
I'm a hungry caterpillar eating up leaves.
I'm a hungry caterpillar eating up leaves.
I'm a hungry caterpillar eating up leaves.
That's the second part of my metamorphosis.
I make a chrysalis and take a nap inside.
I make a chrysalis and take a nap inside.
I make a chrysalis and take a nap inside.
That's the third part of my metamorphosis.
I wake up and emerge as a butterfly.
I wake up and emerge as a butterfly.
I wake up and emerge as a butterfly.
That's the fourth part of my metamorphosis!!!!

I am just an egg-no bigger than a dot
If you look very carefully
You'll find my special spot
underneath a leaf
My mother put me down
to guard me from my enemies
So I cannot be found
Butterfly, Butterfly, brighten summer days
The beauty of the butterfly started this way

Butterflies on the wagon
Butterflies on the ball
Butterflies on the fence
Butterflies on the doll
Butterflies on the plate
Butterflies on the glass
Butterflies on the flowers
Butterflies on the grass
Butterflies on the table
Butterflies on the chair
Butterflies on the umbrella
Butterflies everywhere!

Caterpillar Song
Tune: Yankee Doodle Dandy
I started as a tiny egg
Upon a leaf of green
(picture is torn construction paper for tree, a leaf and a tiny egg all from construction paper)
And now I stay upon the leaf
(picture is again with caterpillar on leaf)
So I will not be seen.
Soon I'll build a chrysalis
(brown construction tree trunk with limb and then brown oval for chrysalis)
Upon a limb up high.
I'll stay a while and then come out
And be a butterfly!
The Mighty Morpho Butterflies
Three morpho butterflies gliding through the trees
The first one swooped to take a look at me!
Three morpho butterflies sitting on a leaf
The second one was trying to eat something sweet!
Three morpho butterflies flitting all about
The third one landed on my snout!
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Song
Tune: 10 Little Indians
On Sunday, 1 little egg, on Sunday 1 little egg,
on Sunday 1 little egg, out comes a caterpillar.
On Monday, 1 red apple, on Monday 1 red apple,
on Monday 1 red apple, that’s what the caterpillar eats.
On Tuesday, 2 yellow pears, on Tuesday 2 yellow pears,
on Tuesday 2 yellow pears, that’s what the caterpillar eats.
On Wednesday, 3 purple plums, on Wednesday 3 purple plums,
on Wednesday 3 purple plums, that’s what the caterpillar eats.
On Thursday, 4 red strawberries, on Thursday, 4 red strawberries,
on Thursday, 4 red strawberries, that’s what the
caterpillar eats.
On Friday, 5 oranges, on Friday 5 oranges,
on Friday 5 oranges, that’s what the caterpillar eats.
On Saturday, too much food, on Saturday, too much food,
on Saturday, too much food, that’s what the caterpillar eats.
On Sunday, 1 green leaf, on Sunday, 1 green leaf,
on Sunday, 1 green leaf, that’s what the caterpillar eats.
In his cocoon, he goes to sleep, in his cocoon, he goes to sleep,
in his cocoon, he goes to sleep, that’s what the caterpillar does.
Out comes a butterfly, out comes a butterfly,
out comes a butterfly, isn’t that a great surprise!
The Little Caterpillar
Tune: The Itsy, Bitsy Spider
The little caterpillar crawled up into a tree,
Spun his cocoon and slept so quietly,
All through the winter he didn't make a sound,
He dreamt of his new life when he'd be flying all around.
While he was sleeping the snow did gently fall,
Winter came and went, then he heard the robin's call,
"Come on Mr. Butterfly, out of your cocoon
Spread your wings and fly for me, while I sing my tune.
Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat
One caterpillar, two caterpillars, three caterpillars today.
Four caterpillars, five caterpillars eating all the day.
One cocoon, two cocoons, three cocoons today.
Four cocoons, five cocoons sleeping all the day.
One butterfly, two butterflies, three butterflies today.
Four butterflies, five butterflies, flying, flying away.
Caterpillar and Butterfly Action Poem
Tune: The Wheels on the Bus
Provide each child with a scarf.
The caterpillars are wriggling around, wriggling around, wriggling around.
The caterpillars are wriggling around, all around the yard.
The children lay down on their scarves and then
wriggle around like caterpillars trying to keep the scarf under them.
The caterpillars are building a cocoon, building a cocoon, building a cocoon.
The caterpillars are building a cocoon, all around the yard.
The children roll into a ball and cover their heads with scarf.
The butterflies are flying around, flying around.
The butterflies are flying around, all around the yard.
The children pick up their scarf and fly with it.
Butterfly Hunting
With a net I go hunting
To catch a butterfly.
When he's caught I turn him loose,
To fly back to the sky.
The fuzzy little caterpillar went up into a tree,
Spun his cocoon and then he went to sleep.
While he was sleeping he dreamt that he could fly,
When he woke up (fast breath in) he was a butterfly.
A-hunting we will go,
A-hunting we will go,
We'll catch a butterfly
And put it in a box,
Then we'll let it go!

Mrs. Jones' Room Themes List