Aardema, Verna Borreguita and the Coyote tape 91
lamb, coyote, Spanish, Mexico
Agell, Charlotte Dancing Feet tape Sig Kit 213
body parts, what they do, rhyme, your body
Allard, Harry Miss Nelson Is Missing tape 109
substitute, teacher, school
Allard, Harry Miss Nelson Has a Field Day tape 235
poor football team, substitute coach Viola Swamp, Miss Nelson twin sister
Anderson, Hans Christian The Ugly Duckling tape 83
egg hatches, ugly, beautiful swan
Appelt, Kathi Bat Jamboree tape 159
counting 55 bats, bat show
Asch, Frank Bear’s Bargain tape 72
bear, plant pumpkin seeds, growing bigger
Asch, Frank Bear Shadow tape 68
bear, shadow
Asch, Frank Happy Birthday, Moon tape 66
bear, birthday, echo
Asch, Frank Skyfire tape 64
bear, water on rainbow
Aylesworth, Jim Old Black Fly tape 140
passing germs from flies, pictures are great
Bate, Lucy Little Rabbit’s Loose Tooth tape 127
loose tooth, tooth fairy
Baumann, Hans Thank You, Brother Bear tape 56
hunters, animals, fable, storytelling
Baumgart, Klaus Anna And The Little Green Dragon tape 41
dragon, imagination, funny story
Bender, Old Mister Rabbit tape Sig Kit 208
rabbit eats garden vegetables then the ice cream in the freezer
Bourgeois, Paulette Look in the Holiday collection
Franklin's Christmas Gift 48H Franklin's Halloween 67H Franklin's Valentines 61H
Thanksgiving 78H
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin's Baby Sister tape 148
turtle, baby sister, waiting
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin’s Bad Day tape 1
turtle, snow, friend moving away
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin’s Blanket tape 9
turtle, favorites, baby things
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin’s Canoe Trip tape 182
turtle, hiking, exploring
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin’s Class Trip tape 111
turtle, dinosaur museum, mummy, class trip
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin Goes to School tape 153
turtle, nervous, first day of school
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin Has A Sleepover tape 3
turtle, sleepover
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin and His Friend tape 181
turtle, friends, otter,
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin in The Dark tape 2
turtle, fears, afraid of dark
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin is Bossy tape 152
turtle, being bossy, good sport
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin is Lost tape 151
turtle, lost, hide and seek
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin is Messy tape 6
turtle, cleaning your room, messy room
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin Plays The Game tape 8
turtle, soccer, losing and winning, teams
Bourgeois, Paulette FranklinSays I Love You tape 183
love mother, Mother's Day? show love
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin’s School Play tape 4
turtle, show, stage fright, Nutcracker
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin And The Tooth Fairy tape 7
turtle, tooth fairy, losing teeth
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin And The Thunderstorm tape 113
turtle, thunderstorm, rain, fears, storm
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin’s New Friend tape 110
turtle, friends
Bourgeois, Paulette Finders Keepers For Franklin tape 112
turtle, stealing, finding a camera
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin Wants A Pet tape 5
turtle, pets
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin And The Birthday Party tape 170
turtle, birthday, party
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin and Harriet tape 171
turtle, big brother little sister
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin Runs Away tape 172
turtle, runs away nobody likes me, nobody cares about me at all
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin Helps Out tape 173
turtle, helping a friend
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin and the Hero tape 174
turtle, hero
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin's Bicycle Helmet tape 175
turtle, bicycle, helmet
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin and the Babysitter tape 180
turtle, babysitter
Bourgeois, Paulette Franklin Plays Hockey tape 191
turtle, hockey, being part of a team, feelings
Brett, Jan Armadillo Rodeo tape 90
armadillos, rodeo, cowboys
Brett, Jan Berlioz The Bear tape 137
musicians in hole, buzzing bee stings mule and pulls out, animals
Brett, Jan The Hat tape 119
winter clothes, animals shouldn’t wear clothes
Brett, Jan Hedgies Surprise tape 177
baby chicks
Brett, Jan Honey, Honey, Lion tape 245 7:23 min
story from Africa, badger and bird share honey
Brett, Jan Town Mouse, Country Mouse tape 89
mice, fairy tale, city life, country life
Brett, Jan Trouble With Trolls tape 227 (oversized)
pet for a troll is a hedgehog
Brett, Jan The Umbrella tape 244 10:25
animals in rain forest, umbrella made from big leaves
Bridwell, Norman Clifford And The Big Storm tape 25
hurricanes, storms, dog
Bridwell, Norman Clifford The Firehouse Dog tape 156
fire safety rules, dog, fire house
Bridwell, Norman Clifford, We Love You tape 76
sad, happy, cheer up, dog
Brown, Jeff Flat Stanley tape 62
long story, getting along, cooperating
Brown, M. K. Sally’s Room tape 96
messy room comes to school
Brown Margaret Wise Goodnight Moon tape 69
saying goodnight to everything in his room
Buehner, Caralyn It’s A Spoon, Not A Shovel tape 129
situations to use manners and the right thing to say
Carle, Eric The Grouchy Ladybug tape 157
ladybug, starting a fight, animals
Carle, Eric The Very Hungry Caterpillar tape 205 has a Big Book
ate many foods then turned into a butterfly
Carlstrom, Nancy White Jesse Bear, What Do You Wear? tape 154
getting dressed, what wear for daily activities
Carlstrom, Nancy White Jesse Bear, What Do You Wear? tape Sig Kit 215
getting dressed, what wear for daily activities
Carrick, Carol Norman Fools the Tooth Fairy tape 164
tooth fairy, loose tooth, tooth care
Carrick, Carol Patrick's Dinosaur tape 228
Patrick is afraid of dinosaurs until he finds out they all died
Cauley, Lorinda Bryan Clap Your Hands tape 167
act out the story, action poem
Chapman, Cheryl Pass the Fritters, Critters tape Sig Kit 210
rhyme food with an animal, using manners, please and thank you
Christelow, Eileen Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed tape 168
action rhyme
Christelow, Eileen Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree tape 169
almost the same as the action rhyme we do for A(lligator) and M(onkey)
Christelow, Eileen Where's the Big Bad Wolf? tape 237
3 pigs, wolf, wolf in sheep's clothing, telling lies
Cook, Sally Good Night Pillow Fight tape 248 5:02 mins
child can't sleep, tries many ploys, wants a pillow fight
Cronin, Doreen Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type tape 184
cows, hens, ducks, problem solving between animals and farmer
Cronin, Doreen Diary of a Worm tape 239 (7:36)
true facts about worms interwoven in a fictional story, friend is a spider
Cuyler, Margery 100th Day Worries tape 176
100 days, worry
Damon, Laura Funny Fingers, Funny Toes tape 74
easy reader, fingers, toes
Day, Alexandra River Parade tape 138
boy playing with toys from a boat in a river, easy reader
Degen, Bruce Jamberry tape 67
rhyming, funny, berries
deGroat, Diane Brand-new Pencils, Brand-new Books tape 246 10:31 mins
first day of school in first grade
deGroat, Diane Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire tape 229
Lincoln, Washington, play, tell truth
dePaola, Tomie The Bubble Factory tape 55
bubbles, bubble gum, wishes
dePaola, Tomie Strega Nona tape 99
italian, magic pot
dePaola, Tomie Strega Nona’s Magic Lessons tape 57
italian, magic
dePaola, Tomie Strega Nona Meets Her Match tape 54
italian, cure sickness
dePaola, Tomie Strega Nona Takes a Vacation tape 178
dePaola, Tomie Tom tape 21
grandpa, Irish, butcher, chicken feet
Derby, Sally The Wacky Substitute tape 240 (10:16)
didn't have his glasses, read everything wrong, but it was fun for the kids
Dr. Seuss Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? tape 141
Dr. Seuss Go, Dog, Go! 6:36 tape 233
Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham 6:30 tape 234
Dunbar, Joyce Tell Me Something Happy Before I Go to Sleep tape 149
bad dreams, happy thoughts, brother helping sister
Dunbar, Joyce Tell Me What It's Like to Be Big tape 185
what can do turn on shower, brush teeth, reach stuff
Edwards, Pamela Duncan Clara Caterpillar tape 188
Hard Cc sound, life cycle cabbage caterpillar, camouflage
Edwards, Pamela Duncan Four Famished Foxes And Fosdyke tape 118
Ff Sound, finding food, failing, trying something new
Edwards, Pamela Duncan Dinorella tape 160
prehistoric fairy tale, dinosaurs, Dd sound, Cinderella
Elliott, Dan Grover Goes To School tape 104
first day, making friends
Elliott, Laura M. Hunter’s Best Friend at School tape 194
friends, school, being good at school, being helpful, raccoons
Ernst, Lisa C. Little Red Riding Hood tape 24
fairy tale, strangers, newfangled prairie tale
Finchler, Judy Miss Malarkey Doesn’t Live in Room 10 tape 45
teacher, life, where she lives
Flack, Marjorie The Story About Ping tape 18
ducks, family, China, Chinese
Fleming, Denise Lunch tape Sig Kit 212
Mouse eats vegetables in many colors, takes a nap, then it’s dinner
Freeman, Don Corduroy tape 84
bear, being loved
Freudberg, Judy The Count Counts A Party tape 43
sesame street, counting
Gelman, Rita Golden More Spaghetti, I Say tape 134
easy reader, food, loves spaghetti
Gilman, Phoebe Grandma And The Pirates tape 95
grandma, funny story, pirates
Gilman, Phoebe Jillian Jiggs tape 201
supposed to clean room but stop to play dressup and the room gets messier
Gomi, Taro The Crocodile And The Dentist tape 32
dentist, teeth, funny story
Good, Diane Where’s Our Mama? tape 81
lose mother then find her in a crowd
Glori, Debi Penguin’s Special Delivery tape 196
waiting for sibling to hatch from egg, delivering packages,
baby stars delivered to sky, baby brother
Grambling, Lois G. Can I Have A Stegosaurus, Mom? tape 86
dinosaurs, pets
Gross, Ruth Belov The Bremen Town Musicians tape 132
animals not wanted, foiled robbers,
Grover, Max The Accidental Zucchini tape Sig Kit 214
an unexpected alphabet, 2 words for each letter to make a funny picture
Gruber, Suzanne The Monster Under My Bed tape 82
cat under bed not monster at bedtime
Guarino, Deborah Is Your Mama A Llama? tape 108
animals, sounds, characteristics
Hall, Donald Ox-Cart Man tape 92
making things to sell at market, life on the prairie
Hartman, Bob The Wolf Who Cried Boy tape 193
wolf tries to do nice things but everyone thinks he's still bad
Henkes, Kevin Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse tape 116
school, getting attention, getting even, being sorry
Henkes, Kevin Owen tape 155
baby blanket is made into hankies, growing up
Henkes, Kevin Sheila Rae, The Brave tape 80
being afraid, confidence, lost
Hennessy, B. G. The Missing Tarts tape 206 Big Book
look for missing tarts through different nursery rhymes
Hissey, Jane Old Bear tape 29
stuffed animals, teddy bears, friends
Hoban, Arnold A Baby Sister For Frances tape 37
badgers, new baby, family
Hoban, Arnold A Bargain For Frances tape 22
badgers, friends, tea set, being mean/fair
Hoban, Russell Bread And Jam For Frances tape 19
badgers, favorite foods
Hoberman, Mary Ann One Of Each tape 120
rhyming, one of each thing in house, needs to share with friends
Hoberman, Mary Ann The Seven Silly Eaters tape 226 (oversized)
fussy eaters, kids try to cook for mom’s birthday, mess makes a great cake
Hoose, Phillip and Hannah Hey, Little Ant tape 250
integrity - ant does not want to be squished under the boy's shoe
asks the reader to decide what to do at the end
Hughes, Francine We’re Back! A Dinosaur Story tape 42
dinosaurs, Steven Spielberg movie
Hutchins, Pat The Doorbell Rang tape 165
predict, repetitive, grandma baked cookies
Janovitz, Marilyn Look Out, Bird tape Sig Kit 216
cause and effect, animals, bump into each other
Joyce, William Bently and Egg tape 225 (oversized)
frog watches duck egg, boy takes it, frog gets it back and baby duck hatches
Keller, Holly Geraldine’s Big Snow tape 48
snow, getting ready for snow
King, Bob Sitting on the Farm tape Sig Kit 217
repetitive, animals, eating lunch
King-Smith, Dick Puppy Love tape 224 (oversized)
puppies, dogs, what puppies need
Kovacs, Deborah When Is Saturday? tape 35
sesame street, calendar, day of the week
Kovalski, Maryann The Wheels On The Bus tape 97
song, funny story
Kraus, Robert Leo The Late Bloomer tape 53
confidence, growing up, ready
Lasky, Kathryn She’s Wearing A Dead Bird On Her Head tape 121
protecting birds, Audubon Society, long story
Lionni, Leo A Busy Year tape 52
months, seasons, weather, calendar
Lionni, Leo An Extraordinary Egg tape 58
frogs, egg, alligator, hatching
Lionni, Leo Fish Is Fish tape 27
fish, frog, animal differences
Lionni, Leo Swimmy tape 78
fish, work together, cooperation
Littledale, Freya The Magic Fish tape 13 11:28
fairy tales, wishes
Lobel, Arnold Frog And Toad All Year tape 46
snow, spring, ice cream, surprise, christmas eve
Lobel, Arnold Frog And Toad Are Friends tape 33
friends, frogs, hibernate, spring, sick,
Lobel, Arnold Ming Lo Loves The Mountain tape 20
problem solving, moving a mountain
Lobel, Arnold Mouse Soup tape 135
Bees the Mud, Two Large Stones, Crickets, Thorn Bush
Lyon, George Ella Together tape Sig Kit 218
things do together, friends, dream
MacDonald, Betty Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle’s Won’t Take A Bath Cure tape 115
dirty child, plant seeds in dirt
Mahy, Margaret The Seven Chinese Brothers tape 103
Chinese, imagination, punishment
Marshall, James Red Riding Hood tape 131
fairy tale, strangers, listen to mother
Martin, Ann Rachel Parker, Kdg Show Off tape 59
kindergarten, show off, new neighbor, friends
Martin, Bill Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tape 94
Martin, Bill The Little Squeegy Bug tape 190
how lightning bug got its light, insect, spider, friends
Martin, Rafe Foolish Rabbit’s Big Mistake tape 47
rumors, fairy tale, fears
Mayer, Mercer Just Go To Bed tape 136
imagination, pretends to be diff things to put off going to bed
Mayer, Mercer When I Get Bigger tape 133
growing up, things can do when big, listen to mom and dad
Mayer, Mercer What Do You Do With A Kangaroo? tape 200
animals, situations, lets animals stay at end
McCourt, Lisa It's Time for School Stinky Face tape 150
funny story, start of school, cause and effect
McCully, Emily Mirette On The High Wire tape 40
circus act, balance, confidence, problem solving, France
McKissack, Patricia Flossie & The Fox tape 16
southern life, blacks
McPhail, David Those Can-Do Pigs tape 125
rhyming, can do everything, friends, confident
McPhail, David Pigs Aplenty, Pigs Galore tape SigKit 209
pigs, eating food in frig, order pizza, mess to clean up, dreams of pigs
McQueen, Lucinda The Little Red Hen tape 202
friends didn’t help grow the wheat so didn’t get the bread to eat at the end
Mosel, Arlene Tikki Tikki Tembo tape 77 10:26
Chinese, names, helping
Moss, Lloyd Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin tape 44
orchestra, instruments
Most, Bernard The Cow That Went OINK tape 162
farm animals, speaking another language
Munsch, Robert Alligator Baby tape 144
wrong baby, zoo, having a baby, animal babies
Munsch, Robert Andrew’s Loose Tooth tape 124
loose tooth won’t come out, funny story, tooth fairy
Munsch, Robert Ribbon Rescue tape 146
ribbon dress, wedding, helping others, Indian costume
Munsch, Robert Stephanie’s Ponytail tape 12
hair style, peer pressure, copycats, decisions
Munsch, Robert Up, Up, Down tape 179
climbing tree?
Munsch, Robert We Share Everything tape 145
kindergarten, sharing toys
Neitzel, Shirley The Bag I’m Taking To Grandma’s tape 39
family, sleepover, grandma, rebus story
Newberry, Clare Turlay Marshmallow tape 223 (oversized)
a cat gets used to a bunny who lives with him now, long story
Nolen, Jerdine Harvey Potter’s Balloon Farm tape 60
balloons, growing balloon plants, imagination, seeds
Numeroff, Laura Dogs Don’t Wear Sneakers tape 11
zoo animals, animal characteristics
Numeroff, Laura If You Give A Moose A Muffin tape 143
cause and effect story, funny story
Numeroff, Laura If You Give A Mouse A Cookie tape 107
cause and effect, funny story
Numeroff, Laura If You Take a Mouse to School tape 195
cause and effect, school, funny story
Numeroff, Laura If You Give a Pig a Pancake tape 147
cause and effect story, funny story
Numeroff, Laura Sherman Crunchley tape 238
police officer, didn't want to be chief, thot it was expected,
too nice, can't say no, practiced saying no, clever way of spelling it so dad knew
Oram, Hiawyn Badger’s Bring Something Party tape 93
party, badgers, friends
Orloff, Karen K., I Wanna Iguana tape 242 (6:52)
child writes letters to mom about getting a pet
Parrish, Peggy Amelia Bedelia tape 166
funny story, play with words and meanings
Passen, Lisa The Incredible Shrinking Teacher tape 187
tough teacher, prune pudding, party on last day
Pellowski, Michael The Duck Who Loved Puddles tape 130
duck, looking for puddles, rained and made puddles
Pellowski, Michael Mixed-Up Magic tape 73
magic, long story
Penn, Audrey The Kissing Hand tape 122
new situations, reassurance, you are loved
Penn, Audrey A Pocket Full of Kisses tape 243 (7:24)
little brother gets kisses on his hand too, jealous,
Perlman, Janet Cinderella Penguin tape 87
penguins, fairy tales, Cinderella
Pfister, Marcus Penguin Pete, Ahoy! tape 186
exploring, friend playing and helping, mouse on ship
Pilkey, Dav Dogzilla tape 31
dogs, funny story, mice
Pinczes, Elinor J. 100 Hungry Ants tape 30
hundred days, math, math song
Potter, Beatrix The Tale of Peter Rabbit tape 204
rabbit goes in garden against mother’s wishes consequences
Primavera, Elise Plantpet tape 85
plants, pets
Pulver, Robin Mrs. Toggle and The Dinosaur tape 158
dinosaurs, new kid in class, not hear correctly
Rathman, Peggy Officer Buckle and Gloria tape 61
safety, dogs, funny story
Razvan Two Little Shoes tape SigKit 207
two shoes go to the shoe fair while the boy sleeps
Rey, H. A. Curious George Gets A Medal tape 106
farm animals, dinosaur museum
Rey, H. A. Curious George Rides A Bike tape 10
bikes, monkey, responsibility
Rey, H. A. Curious George Visits the Library tape 192
books, library etiquette, getting a library card
Rondon, Javier The Absent-Minded Toad tape Sig Kit 211
goes to market to buy butter, vegetables, forgets butter
Ross, Dave A Book of Friends tape 236
different kinds of friends, and how to meet friends
Ryder, Joanne Won't You Be My Kissaroo? tape 249 3:03 mins
different kinds of kisses
Rylant, Cynthia The Relatives Came tape 36
family, trip
Sabin, Louis Birthday Surprise tape 75
easy reader,
Saunders, Susan The Golden Goose tape 203
handsome, strong, simpleton sons, if try to steal the goose they stick to each other, made princess laugh, simpleton married him, king tried to stop it, they married
Scarry, Richard Find Your ABC’s tape 50
alphabet book, ABC’s
Schachner, Judy Skippyjohn Jones in the Dog House tape 241 (13:12)
lots of Spanish words and sounds
Scieszka, Jon True Story of the 3 Little Pigs tape 51
fairy tale, pigs, wolf
Sendak, Maurice Where The Wild Things Are tape 98
monsters, misbehaving, imagination
Shannon, David A Bad Case of Stripes tape 222 (oversized)
loved lima beans, dev stripes that changed, ate lima beans and they went away
Slate, Joseph Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready For Kdg. tape 123
rhyming story, names in ABC order, start of school year
Slate, Joseph Miss Bindergarten Stays Home tape 189
teacher has flu, ABC order, stay home sick
Slepian, Jan The Cat Who Wore a Pot on Her Head tape 231
(book is with the books and records)
Slepian, Jan The Hungry Thing tape 105
food, funny story, fun with words
Slepian, Jan The Hungry Thing Returns tape 65
food, funny story, fun with words
Steig, William Doctor DeSoto tape 199
mouse dentist has to trust a wolf patient, fixing teeth
Stevens, Janet Tops and Bottoms tape 221 (oversized)
lazy bear, rabbit plants garden, top and bottom of crops
Sundgaard, Arnold The Lamb And The Butterfly tape 38
butterfly characteristics, lamb, sheep
Supraner, Robyn No Room For A Sneeze tape 63
folk tale, make a small house bigger by adding animals
Sweet, Melissa Fiddle-I-Fee tape 102
farmyard song, farm animals
Teague, Mark Dear Mrs. LaRue Letters From Obedience School tape 197
conditions he is enduring, escapes, saves owner
Thayer, Jane The Popcorn Dragon tape 17
dragon, showing off, friends, sharing
Vase, Catherine The Penguin Who Wanted to Fly tape 247 5:49 mins
penguin tries diff ways to fly but fails then swims in ocean and likes it
doesn't give up, tries new ways perseverance
Wells, Rosemary Noisy Nora tape 198
noisy child, leaves, parents notice the quiet and look for her, noisy return
Westcott, Nadine B. The Lady With The Alligator Purse tape 128
song, rhyme, funny story
Westcott, Nadine B. Peanut Butter And Jelly tape 79
rhyme, song, play rhyme
White, Linda Too Many Pumpkins tape 139
woman hates pumpkins, seeds get planted she likes them again
Whitehead, Pat Let’s Go To The Zoo tape 34
ABC story, zoo animals
Wilhelm, Hans Tyrone The Double Dirty Rotten Cheater tape 71
playing fair, games, field day, dinosaurs
Wilhelm, Hans Tyrone The Horrible tape 161
dinosaurs, being mean, bully
Wilhelm, Hans Tyrone and The Swamp Gang tape 15
dinosaurs, tyrannosaurus, bully, gangs, peer pressure
Williams, Suzanne My Dog Never Says Please tape 163
manners, saying please, table manners, acts like a dog
Wood, Audrey Little Penguin’s Tale tape 88
penguins, south pole, animals, birds
Wood, Audrey Rude Giants tape 220 (oversized)
manners, clean house, clean body, work together
Wood, Audrey and Mark Teague Sweet Dream Pie tape 219
imagination, dreams
Yee, Wong Herbert Big Black Bear tape 114
manners, friends, apologizing
Factual Books
1. I Can Read About Eskimos
2. Sea Full of Whales
3. Kites Sail High by Ruth Heller (verbs)
4. Many Luscious Lollipops by Ruth Heller (adjectives)
5. Who’s Who At The Zoo (animals)
6. Wonders of The Sea (seaweed, fish, octopus, squid, sea horse)
7. Life In The Pond (animals, easy reader)
8. I Can Read About Cats And Kittens
9. Life In the Forest (animals, easy reader)
10. Now I Know Stars (easy reader)
11. Now I Know Look...A Butterfly (easy reader)
12. Wonders of Rivers
13. Wonders of the Desert (plants, animals, birds)
14. I Can Read About Good Manners
15. Now I Know Trees (easy reader)
16. Amazing World of Ants
17. Now I Know Monkeys (easy reader)
18. I Can Read About Whales and Dolphins
19. Now I Know Birds (easy reader)
20. Discovering The Stars
21. Look At A Tree (easy reader)
22. Amazing World of Dinosaurs
23. The Dinosaur Baby Boom (story)
24. Dinosaur Alphabet Book (ABC Adventures , easy reader)
25. Now I Know More About Dinosaurs (easy reader)
26. Three-Horn The Dinosaur
27. The BIGGEST Dinosaurs (brontosaurus)
28. I Can Read About Christopher Columbus
29. Everything From A to Z (letters and sound pictures no words)
31. I Can Read About Dinosaurs
32. Gregory, The Terrible Eater (food, goats)
33. The Listening Walk (5 senses)
34. Magic School Bus - Inside The Human Body
35. Antarctica (penguins, birds, nesting habits)
36. Young Christopher Columbus
37. In 1492 (Christopher Columbus, easy reader)
38. Owl Moon (looking for, making owl calls, winter, birds)
39. Dinosaur Garden (story, series)
40. The Quilt Story
41. Orchestranimals (animals, instruments)
42. UFO Diary
43. Owl Babies (nest, eggs, growing, birds)
44. I Can Read About Birds
45. Magic School Bus - Inside A Beehive (bees)
46. I Can Read About Spiders
47. Magic School Bus - In The Time Of The Dinosaurs
48. I Can Read About Weather
49. Charlie Needs A Cloak (shear sheep, spin wool, easy reader)
50. Magic School Bus - On The Ocean Floor
51. Young Martin Luther King, Jr.
52. Four Seasons (Berenstain Bears)
53. Magic School Bus - Inside A Hurricane
54. I Can Read About Reptiles
55. Who Says What? (animal sounds)
56. I Can Read About The Sun and Other Stars
57. Emergency (police and firefighters)
58. Animal Tracks
59. Animal Action ABC
60. The Emperor's Egg (penguin life cycle)
61. The Snail's Spell (life of a snail) has a Big Book
62. Bugs by Nancy Winslow Parker (has a Big Book) also a Reading Rainbow book
63. What is the Sun? by Reeve Lindbergh SigKit
64. One Tiny Turtle loggerhead turtle life cycle
65. Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Lois Ehlert
66. The Little Penguin A.J. Wood (7:46)
Holiday, Weather and Season Books
Weather and Season Books
1. Now I Know What Makes The Weather (easy reader)
2. Umbrella Parade (easy reader)
3. Winter Fun (turtle, rabbit, snow, ice skating)
4. Peter And The North Wind (long story)
5. Now I Know Clouds (easy reader)
6. Caps, Hats, Socks, and Mittens (four seasons)
19. The Snow Child
20. Sadie And The Snowman (6:58)
23. My Favorite Time Of Year (seasons)
29. White Snow Bright Snow
31. The Wind Blew
32. What Will The Weather Be Like Today?
34. Chatty Chipmunk’s Nutty Day (easy reader)
43. The Wild Toboggan Ride by Jan Brett
55. The Mitten by Jan Brett
56. The Apple Pie Tree (tree changes thru the seasons)
62. Sara Squirrel and the Lost Acorns (fall)
76. Clifford's First Autumn
77. Geraldine's Big Snow
84. The Biggest, Best Snowman by Margery Cuyler
86. Snowballs (snow family made with all kinds of junk) by Lois Ehlert Sig Kit
100. There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow by Lucille Colandro 4:41 mins
101. Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner (5:06)
102. A Snowy Surprise by Amy Hest (7:00)
106. The Nutty Nut Chase (fall) (7:25)
7. Little Witch’s Big Night
10. I Can Read About Witches
16. It’s Halloween (poem collection)
17. Beat Halloween Book (ABC Adventures, easy reader)
21. Little Lady Who Was Not Afraid Of Anything
26. The Vanishing Pumpkin
30. Halloween Party
36. In The Haunted House
38. Halloween Cats
45. The Biggest Pumpkin Ever
46. Joey The Jack-o-’lantern (easy Reader)
52. Legend Of Sleepy Hollow (long story)
53. Clifford’s Halloween
58. The Hallo-Wiener
60. Alice And Greta (witches)
63. There Was An Old Witch
64. Georgie the Ghost
65. Bony-Legs (witch)
66. One Halloween Night
67. Franklin's Halloween
18. Best Thanksgiving Book (ABC Adventures, easy reader)
57. Silly Tilly’s Thanksgiving Dinner
68. A Turkey for Thanksgiving
69. Samuel Eaton's Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Boy
78. Franklin's Thanksgiving
92. The Most Thankful Thing Lisa McCourt (7:01)
103. Thanks for Thanksgiving (5:00)
104. The Best Thanksgiving Ever (4:56)
105. The Great Turkey Race (8:32)
12. Berenstain Bears Meet Santa Bear
13. The Mole Family’s Christmas
14. Clifford’s Christmas
15. Little Christmas Star
22. It’s Christmas (poem collection)
27. Merry Christmas Strega Nona
37. A Sesame Street Christmas
39. Christmas Trolls
41. The Legend Of The Poinsettia
42. How The Grinch Stole Christmas
44. Santa’s New Sled (easy reader)
48. Franklin’s Christmas Gift (turtle)
51. The Bear Santa Claus Forgot
59. Clifford’s First Christmas
70. Olive the Other Reindeer
71. The Nutcracker Ballet
72. How Santa Got His Job
73. Too Many Toys
79. Jingle Bells, Homework Smells
80. The Nutcracker Troll
81. The 12 Days of Christmas Troll
82. A Christmas Carol Troll
87. A New Improved Santa Patricia R. Wolff
88. Moosletoe Margie Palatini
89. Who’s That Knocking on Christmas Eve? Jan Brett (can’t find book)
90. The Wild Chjristmas Reindeer Jan Brett (oversized)
91. Jingle the Christmas Clown Tomie dePaola (oversized)
96. Bear Stays Up for Christmas by Karma Wilson 6:57 mins
97. The Very Snowy Christmas by Diana Hendry 8:19 mins
98. Christmas City by Michael Garland 15:35 mins
99. Room for a Little One: A Christmas Tale by Martin Waddell 5:17 mins
Groundhog Day
83. Gregory's Shadow
95. Wake Up, Groundhog by Susanna Leonard Hill 10:43 mins
Valentine’s Day
9. Best Valentine Book (ABC Adventure, easy reader)
35. The Valentine Bears
40. Will You Be My Valentine?
61. Franklin’s Valentines
74. It's Valentine's Day (Jack Prelutsky poems)
75. Valentine Cats
St. Patrick’s Day
33. Jamie O’Rourke And The Big Potato
47. St. Patrick’s Day In The Morning
54. Clever Tom And The Leprechaun
94. The Luckiest Leprechaun (12:41)
8. The Big Bunny And The Easter Eggs
11. The Tale Of Benjamin Bunny
24. Bunny Trouble
25. More Bunny Trouble
49. Clifford’s Easter
50. Bad, Bad Bunny Trouble
Mother’s Day
28. Mother’s Day Mice
93. Fourth of July Mice (5:22)
Stories with Records 33 1/3 RPM
Aardema, Verna Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears
A West African Tale
Ackerman, Karen Song and Dance Man
Allard, Harry Miss Nelson is Back
Allard, Harry Miss Nelson Has a Field Day
Anderson, Hans Christian Emperor's new Clothes
Becker, John Seven Little Rabbits
song numbers
Black, Irma The Little Old Man Who Could Not Read (old)
hard time at the store
Bonne, Rose I Know An Old Lady (old)
Brandenberg, Franz Nice New Neighbors (old)
Burton, Virginia Choo Choo The Runaway Engine (old)
Chance, E. B. Just in Time for the King's Birthday
Cole, Joanna Monster Movie
Cole, Joanna Bony-Legs
witch magic
de Brunhoff, Jean The Story of Babar (old)
Ellentuck, Shan The Upside-Down Man (old)
Ellis, James Captain Furface (old)
Hardy, Ann Cars, Trains, Boats Things That Go
Record has sounds of things that go
Hoban, Russell Bargain for Frances (old)
Hoban, Russell Bedtime for Frances (old)
Hoban, Russell A Baby Sister for Frances (old)
Hoban, Russell Best Friends for Frances (old)
Hoban, Russell A Birthday for Frances (old)
Hoff, Syd Danny and the Dinosaur
Keats, Ezra Jack Over in the Meadow
poem and song
Kessler, Ethel What's Inside the Box? (old)
Kroll, Steven Fat Magic (old)
Leaf, Munro The Story of Ferdinand (old)
Littledale, Freya The Magic Fish
Lobel, Arnold Frog and Toad Are Friends
Lobel, Arnold Frog and Toad Together (old)
Lobel, Arnold Ming Lo Moves the Mountain
rural China
Lobel, Arnold Mouse Soup
Lobel, Arnold Owl at Home (3 stories)
Mc Closkey, Robert Lentil (old)
boy learns to play the harmonica music
Mc Govern, Ann Too Much Noise
Meddaugh, Susan Maude and Claude Go Abroad
Milne, A.A. Three Stories from Winnie the Pooh (old)
Mosel, Arlene Tikki Tikki Tembo
Murdocca, Sal Take Me To The Moon (old)
Potter, Beatrix The Tale of Peter Rabbit
Rey, HA Curious George Rides a Bike (old)
Rey, HA Curious George Takes a Job (old)
Seeger, Pete Abiyoyo
Segal, Lore Tell Me a Mitzi
3 stories
Sendak, Maurice Pierre terrible song
Chicken Soup With Rice (record in this book for both)
Sharmat, Marjorie Uncle Boris and Maude (old)
Slepian, Jan The Cat Who Wore a Pot on Her Head
Slobodkina, Esphyr Caps For Sale
Steig, William Sylvester and the Magic Pebble
donkey wishes to be a rock and can't wish himself back
Stevenson, James The Witch and the Flying Saucer (old)
Swift, Hildegarde The Little Red Lighthouse (old)
Varga, Judy The Monster Behind Black Rock (old)
Waber, Bernard Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile
helpful, happy crocodile
Weil, Lisa The Candy Egg Bunny (old)
Factual Books with Records 33 1/3 RPM
John Henry An American Legend story by Ezra Jack Keats
The Cat Book
The Dog Book
I Can Read About Dogs and Puppies
I Can Read About Horses
The Turtle Book
Fairy Tale Books and Records
Belling the Cat (story in City Mouse - Country Mouse)
Black Beauty by Ed Rdg Service
Brementown Musicians by Gross, Ruth Belov
City Mouse - Country Mouse by Marian Parry
Elves and the Shoemaker by Freya Littledale (2 copies)
Frog Prince Edith Tarcov
Gingerbread Boy by Troll
Jack and The Beanstalk by Lucky Book Club
Hansel and Gretel by Ed Rdg Service
Henny Penny by Troll
House That Jack Built by Troll
King Midas and The Golden Touch by Al Perkins
Lion and the Mouse (story in City Mouse - Country Mouse)
Little Red Hen by Paul Galdone
Little Red Riding Hood by Troll
Night Before Christmas by Ed Rdg Service
Peter Pan by Troll
Pinocchio by Ed Rdg Service
Puss in Boots by Troll
Rapunzel by Troll
Rumpelstiltskin by Edith Tarcov (2 copies)
Rumpelstitlskin by Troll
Sleeping Beauty by Ed Rdg Service
Stone Soup by Troll
Three Billy Goats Gruff by Troll
Three Sillies by Troll
Three Wishes by Troll
Twelve Dancing Princesses by Troll
Twelve Days of Christmas by Troll
Wild Swans by Troll
Wizard of Oz by Ed Rdg Service
Wolf and the Seven Kids by Troll
Peter Pan Book and Records 45RPM
ABC Book
Friendly the Snowman
Goldilocks and Three Bears
Jingle Bells
Little red Riding Hood
Mother Goose
Snow White
Three Little Pigs
Wizard of Oz
Golden Book and Records 33 1/3RPM
Five Little Firemen
Fuzzy Duckling
Little Engine That Could
Little Fat Policeman
Little Red Hen
Lively Little Rabbit
Romper Room Safety Book
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
Shy Little Kitten
Walt Disney Book and Records 33 1/3RPM
Hansel and Gretel
Jungle Book
Sleeping Beauty
Twelve Days of Christmas
Ugly Duckling

Signatures Kit
63.F What is the Sun? by Reeve Lindbergh SigKit
86.H Snowballs (snow family made with all kinds of junk) by Lois Ehlert Sig Kit
Agell, Charlotte Dancing Feet tape Sig Kit 213
body parts, what they do, rhyme, your body
Bender, Old Mister Rabbit tape Sig Kit 208
rabbit eats garden vegetables then the ice cream in the freezer
Carlstrom, Nancy White Jesse Bear, What Do You Wear? tape Sig Kit 215
getting dressed, what wear for daily activities
Chapman, Cheryl Pass the Fritters, Critters tape Sig Kit 210
rhyme food with an animal, using manners, please and thank you
Fleming, Denise Lunch tape Sig Kit 212
Mouse eats vegetables in many colors, takes a nap, then it’s dinner
Grover, Max The Accidental Zucchini tape Sig Kit 214
an unexpected alphabet, 2 words for each letter to make a funny picture
Janovitz, Marilyn Look Out, Bird tape Sig Kit 216
cause and effect, animals, bump into each other
King, Bob Sitting on the Farm tape Sig Kit 217
repetitive, animals, eating lunch
Lyon, George Ella Together tape Sig Kit 218
things do together, friends, dream
McPhail, David Pigs Aplenty, Pigs Galore tape SigKit 209
pigs, eating food in frig, order pizza, mess to clean up, dreams of pigs
Razvan Two Little Shoes tape SigKit 207
two shoes go to the shoe fair while the boy sleeps
Rondon, Javier The Absent-Minded Toad tape Sig Kit 211
goes to market to buy butter, vegetables, forgets butter
Books Without Cassettes in the Signatures Kit
Burningham, John Mr. Gumpy’s Outing
Caines, Jeannette I Need a Lunchbox
Carlson, Nancy I Like Me
Clements, Andrew Big Al
Dorflinger, Carolyn Tomorrow is Mom’s Birthday
Ehlert, Lois Moon Rope / Un Lazo a la Luna
Ehlert, Lois Red Leaf Yellow Leaf
Eisen, Armand Goldilocks and The Three Bears
Fox, Mem Koala Lou
French, Vivian Red Hen and Sly Fox
Ginsburg, Mirra Mushroom in the Rain
Hirschi, Ron A Time for Sleeping (animals)
Kimmel, Eric A. The Greatest of All Japanese Folktale
Lester, Alison Imagine
Luenn, Nancy Squish! A Wetland Walk
Marzollo, Jean Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King
Mayer, Mercer What Do You Do With a Kangaroo
Moon, Nicola Lucy’s Picture
Neidigh, Sherry Creatures at My Feet
Oram, Hiawyn In The Attic
Roe, Eileen With My Brother / Con Mi Hermano
Rounds, Glen Three Billy Goats Gruff
Ryder, Joanne A House by the Sea
Tompert, Ann Just a Little Bit

Big Books
Signatures Kit Big Books with Cassettes
63.F What is the Sun? by Reeve Lindbergh SigKit
86.H Snowballs by Lois Ehlert Sig Kit
snow family made with all kinds of "junk"
Agell, Charlotte Dancing Feet tape Sig Kit 213
body parts, what they do, rhyme, your body
Bender, Old Mister Rabbit tape Sig Kit 208
rabbit eats garden vegetables then the ice cream in the freezer
Carlstrom, Nancy White Jesse Bear, What Do You Wear? tape Sig Kit 215
getting dressed, what wear for daily activities
Chapman, Cheryl Pass the Fritters, Critters tape Sig Kit 210
rhyme food with an animal, using manners, please and thank you
Fleming, Denise Lunch tape Sig Kit 212
Mouse eats vegetables in many colors, takes a nap, then it's dinner
Grover, Max The Accidental Zucchini tape Sig Kit 214
an unexpected alphabet, 2 words for each letter to make a funny picture
Janovitz, Marilyn Look Out, Bird tape Sig Kit 216
cause and effect, animals, bump into each other
King, Bob Sitting on the Farm tape Sig Kit 217
repetitive, animals, eating lunch
Lyon, George Ella Together tape Sig Kit 218
things do together, friends, dream
McPhail, David Pigs Aplenty, Pigs Galore tape SigKit 209
pigs, eating food in frig, order pizza, mess to clean up, dreams of pigs
Pattern Book Sig Kit - no cassette
Book of art patterns, big pencil, child's body, etc
Razvan Two Little Shoes tape SigKit 207
two shoes go to the shoe fair while the boy sleeps
Big Book of Rhymes and Songs Sig Kit - no cassette
27 songs or rhymes
Rondon, Javier The Absent-Minded Toad tape Sig Kit 211
goes to market to buy butter, vegetables, forgets butter
Other Big Books - no cassette unless noted
Althea How Do Things Grow? Troll Book
people, animals and plants grow (long book)
Bacon, Ron Wind (oversize book)
rhyming story about what the wind blows
Berger, Melvin From Peanuts to Peanut Butter
how to grow peanuts then turn it into peanut butter
Carle, Eric The Tiny Seed (oversize book)
seasons, life cycle of a seed
Carle, Eric The Very Hungry Caterpillar cassette tape 205 S
caterpillar eats thru all kinds of foods then turns into a butterfly
Cowley, Joy The Wright Group Dan, the Flying Man
hr flies "over" many things then the people catch him
Cowley, Joy The Wright Group Grandpa, Grandpa
what get when they fish
Cowley, Joy The Wright Group Hairy Bear
hear a robber while sleeping, turns out to be his kids
Cowley, Joy The Wright Group The Hungry Giant
wanted bread, butter and honey. Got a beehive, he hit it and got stung
Cowley, Joy The Wright Group Mrs. Wishy-Washy
animals get in the mud and she washes them in a tub
Cowley, Joy The Wright Group To Town
different vehicles they take to town
Cowley, Joy The Wright Group Whoosh!
animal rhymes, then the hrse turned into hay and blew away
Day, Alexandra Good Dog, Carl
almost no words, dog takes care of baby while mother goes out
Educational Insights Amazing Dinosaurs
pictures of dinos from different periods but no info
Educational Insights Wild Animals
pictures of animals but no info
Eggleton, Jill The Old Oak Tree
boy plays with 3 imaginary things begin with "fr"
Evan-Moor, Making Big Books With Children
ideas and patterns
Evan-Moor, Making Seasonal Big Books With Children
ideas and patterns
Freeman, Don Corduroy cassette tape 84 S
bear, being loved
Greydanus, Rose Valentine's Day Grump
always a grump. no one gives him a valentine except Tippy then he is happy
Gordon, Sharon Playground Fun Troll Book tape 232
a hippo is too big for the playground equipment so friends solve it
Hawkins, Colin and Jacqui Jen the Hen
story about the -en word family and pages turn to make new words
Hawkins, Colin and Jacqui Pat the Cat
story about the -at word family and pages turn to make new words
Hawkins, Colin and Jacqui Tog the Dog
story about the -og word family and pages turn to make new words
Hawkins, Colin and Jacqui Mig the Pig
story about the -ig word family and pages turn to make new words
Hawkins, Colin and Jacqui Zug the Bug
story about the -ug word family and pages turn to make new words
Hennessy, B.G. The Missing Tarts cassette tape 206 S
look for missing tarts through different nursery rhymes
Hoban, Tanya Look! Look! Look!
box cut in page to guess picture underneath
Hoff, Sid Walpole
asked to be the leader, saved walruses from the polar bear
Hutchins, Pat The Wind Blew
takes place in England, things that blow away in the wind
Krauss, Ruth The Carrot Seed cassette tape 230 S
boy plants a seed, needs of a plant
Kuchalla, Susan All About Seeds
what seeds need, how seeds travel, kinds of seeds
Lionni, Leo Swimmy cassette tape 78 S
fish working together to scare off big fish, cooperation
Marzollo, Jean I'm a Seed (oversized book)
planting pumpkin and marigold seeds, needs of a seed to grow
Metzger, Steve Ladybug's Birthday (cassette tape in Insect day box)
hot and dark party is improved when eveyone helps
Neitzel, Shirley The Jacket I Wear in the Snow
all the articles of clothing you wear when you go in the snow
Parker, John I Love Spiders
shape words, color words, how move words, spider is telling the story
Parker, Nancy Winslow Bugs cassette tape 62 F
different insects around homes, also a Reading Rainbow episode
Peters, Sharon Champ on Ice
motions Champ does when he ice skates on ice
Rowe, Erna Giant Dinosaurs
shows dinos in todays world and the size they were
Ryder, Joanne The Snail's Spell cassette tape 61 F
life of a snail in a garden
Sebesta, Sam Leaton Big Book of Songs
traditional songs, shake my sillies out, twinkle, twinkle
Shelby, Anne Potluck
alphabetically they bring dishes that start with their letter
Wick, Walter I Spy School Days (oversize book)
A Book of Picture Riddles look for hidden objects in each photograph
Cassettes Without Books
Alexander, Liza Sesame Street Ernie Gets Lost
Brett, Jan Comet's Nine Lives 7:56
Brett, Jan The Wild Christmas Reindeer 10:03
Bridwell, Norman Clifford's First Snow Day 14:11
Cristini, Ermanno In My Garden 1:38
Denim, Sue The Dumb Bunnies 5:31
Fisher-Price Why Does it Thunder and Lightning?
Fleming, Denise Time to Sleep 5:26
Ga'g, Wanda The ABC Bunny 3:13
Johnson, Tony The Tale of Rabbit and Coyote 9:00
Moore, Clement C. The Night Before Christmas 4:40
Muntean, Michaela Sesame Street Look What I Found!
Peter Pan Days, Months and Seasons story and song
Rey, H.A. Curious George Takes a Job 14:36
Seuss, Dr. The Cat in the Hat 10:40
Seuss, Dr. Fox in Sox
Seuss, Dr. Hop on Pop 10:16
Stevenson, Jocelyn Sesame Street Anybody Can Play
Sykes, Julie I Don't Want to Go to Bed 6:36
Tohlhurst, Marilyn Somebody and the Three Blairs 5:53
Troll Assoc Aesop's Fables
Troll Assoc Best Halloween Book
Troll Assoc Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Troll Assoc Mr. Mac-A-Doodle, You're a Genius
Troll Assoc Puppet Show
Troll Assoc Ugly Duckling
Troll Assoc Valentine's Day Mess
Troll Assoc The Velveteen Rabbit
Vagin, Vladimir The Enormous Carrot 6:02