Mrs. Jones' Classes
Dinosaur Day Favorites
Morning Class
Alex - I liked sorting the dinosaurs because my Pop and Grandmom played with me.
Allison W. - I liked the card game because I made a lot of matches.
Bart - I liked the shark teeth, the antlers, and the goat teeth.
Brandon - I liked the goat horns and the shark jaws.
Elizabeth - I liked the card game because I got a lot of matches.
Ethan - I liked the bones because my dad knew all about the bones. He's an EMT. I liked the shark jaws, the claws and the puzzle.
Isabella - I liked the card game because it was fun playing against Emmy.
Jacob - I liked the bingo game because I won every time.
James - I liked the bones and the shark jaw.
Jeremy - I liked playing bingo because I won 2 times.
Justin G. - I liked playing the "Walking With Dinosaurs" Word Game.
I knew a lot of the words!
Karah - I liked the card game because I kept winning against Maddie.
Kyra - I liked the card game because we got to take the cards home.
I played with my brother Timmy.
Luke - I liked the bones because the shark jaws and the antlers were cool.
Maddie - I liked the hairy antler and the big shell that echoed.
Mattie - I liked the card game because I could play 2 games with the cards.
Sam and I were good at both.
Nathan - I liked the card game because I played Ethan and I won!
Ornel - I liked the card game because I liked matching the cards.
Samantha - I liked the card game because it was fun playing with my grandparents.
Sean - I liked sorting the dinosaurs because it was fun playing with my mom.
Winnie - I liked the story because I want a pet dinosaur.
Zack - I liked the board game because I liked making new words.

Afternoon Class
A.J. - I liked making the mask because my mom was there.
Allison M - I liked making the mask because my mom was there and I used pretty colors.
Austin - I liked the mask because my mom and my sister loved it!
Brett - I liked the "Walking With the Dinosaurs" Word Game
because it was fun when I got ahead of everyone.
Brian - I liked making the dinosaur hat because it looked "cool."
Chase - I liked playing bingo because I won once!
Dillan - I liked the shark jaw and the claws.
Francesca - I liked making the mask because I like to color
and my mom thought it looked beautiful.
Jake - I liked playing the bingo game because Brett
was saying funny things about the dinosaurs.
Justin J. - I liked the bingo game because I won 3 times!
Katie - I liked sorting the dinosaurs and doing problems on the whiteboard.
Khoa - I liked the bingo game becasue I won 1 time!
Kody - I liked the 2 word games.
One of them I won and I almost won the other one.
(Say that 3 times real fast!)
Leslie - I liked the mask because Nicholas scared me and I screamed!
Megan - I liked reading the book because Tori and I read read some of the book!
Mia - I liked the mask because everyone in my family liked it.
Micah - I liked making the mask because Allison's mom helped me.
Nicholas was absent when we answered this question.
Rebecca - I liked making the mask because it was fun to color.
Sam - I liked the bones, the claws and the shark jaw.
Tori - I liked doing the math problems because it was fun
and I got all of them right.
Vinny - I liked playing the bingo game because I won 2 times!
Mrs. Jones' Room Kindergarten Program Info 06-07 Class News