Kindergarten Orientation
Lakeview Elementary School
Info for the 11-12 school year has been updated.
1. (pink) Kindergarten Information form listing a temporary emergency contact (parents are always called first)
2. (yellow) How Will Your Child Get Home From School?
Neighborhood Walk Permission Slip
Return the rest of the forms in this folder by Friday of the first week of school:
3. PARENT HELPERS FORM: (goldenrod) Our class would love to have you come to our classroom to do some fun activities with small groups or individual children. All moms and dads and grandparents are welcome!
4. STUDENT PROFILE page 1 page 2 page 3: (blue) Please write down anything you think would help the teacher get to know and better understand your child and your family. The survey answers are confidential and are only for your child's teacher to help plan for the year.
5. EMERGENCY CARDS: (pink and white) Complete both sides of each card and sign them. Please include your cell phone numbers. It is important for the office to have up-to-date information for your child's safety. Please send in a note or EMail any time during the year if your emergency numbers or contacts change.
6. NON-SCHEDULED EMERGENCY CLOSING CARD: (yellow) Please read the letter that explains the procedure. Parents are called first. Kdg children may not walk home alone.
7. INSURANCE: Fill out and enclose the exact amount of money for the type of insurance you choose. If you are not interested, then write "NO" across the application and sign it. *This form must be returned whether you choose coverage or not. Is your child eligible for Pennsylvania's Children's Health Insurance Program? (CHIP) You can apply online!
8. KINDERGARTEN MILK PROGRAM: (white) Check the "income chart" and return the completed form, only if your child qualifies for free or reduced cost milk. A new collection system for Milk Money is explained in the letter. You may send in money or deposit money in an online account.
9. COMPUTER SURVEY Computer Survey: (green) Please fill out the form about whether or not you have a home computer, internet access, or an EMail Address. Contact the teachers at our school address:
10. PUBLIC RELATIONS FORM: (white) Lakeview publicizes various events in local newspapers, district cable, the district website, and other news media. You do not need to return the form unless your child does not have your permission to appear in mass media.
11. LIBRARY PERMISSION SLIP - (yellow) Please sign the permission slip if your child is allowed to check out books from the school library. He/She will be responsible to pay late fines and the cost of lost books. Return the slip before we go to the library for the first time.
12. HOME & SCHOOL MEMBERSHIP DRIVE (white) Dues are $8.00 for each family. Please fill out the form and list all children attending Lakeview School.
13. Home & School Survey: (white half sheet) If you have more than one child in Lakeview, which child should bring home the district notices for your family?
Not in this folder:
14. PRIVATE PHYSICIAN FORM: If your child has had a physical exam performed
by your doctor please send the required form back to school. Call the school nurse at 610-534-1900, extension 1441, if you have any questions.
15. DENTAL FORM: If your child has had an exam performed by your dentist, please send the required form back to school. Call the school nurse at 610-534-1900, extension 1441, if you have any questions.