Kindergarten Orientation
Lakeview Elementary School

Info for the 11-12 school year has been updated.

Parent Helpers

The forms in this packet are needed at the end of the Orientation today:

1. (pink) Kindergarten Information form listing a temporary emergency contact (parents are always called first)
2. (yellow) How Will Your Child Get Home From School?
                 Neighborhood Walk Permission Slip

Return the rest of the forms in this folder by Friday of the first week of school:

3. PARENT HELPERS FORM: (goldenrod) Our class would love to have you come to our classroom to do some fun activities with small groups or individual children. All moms and dads and grandparents are welcome!

4. STUDENT PROFILE   page 1   page 2   page 3: (blue) Please write down anything you think would help the teacher get to know and better understand your child and your family. The survey answers are confidential and are only for your child's teacher to help plan for the year.

5. EMERGENCY CARDS: (pink and white) Complete both sides of each card and sign them. Please include your cell phone numbers. It is important for the office to have up-to-date information for your child's safety. Please send in a note or EMail any time during the year if your emergency numbers or contacts change.

6. NON-SCHEDULED EMERGENCY CLOSING CARD: (yellow) Please read the letter that explains the procedure. Parents are called first. Kdg children may not walk home alone.

7. INSURANCE: Fill out and enclose the exact amount of money for the type of insurance you choose. If you are not interested, then write "NO" across the application and sign it. *This form must be returned whether you choose coverage or not. Is your child eligible for Pennsylvania's Children's Health Insurance Program? (CHIP) You can apply online!

8. KINDERGARTEN MILK PROGRAM: (white) Check the "income chart" and return the completed form, only if your child qualifies for free or reduced cost milk. A new collection system for Milk Money is explained in the letter. You may send in money or deposit money in an online account.

9. COMPUTER SURVEY Computer Survey: (green) Please fill out the form about whether or not you have a home computer, internet access, or an EMail Address. Contact the teachers at our school address:

10. PUBLIC RELATIONS FORM: (white) Lakeview publicizes various events in local newspapers, district cable, the district website, and other news media. You do not need to return the form unless your child does not have your permission to appear in mass media.

11. LIBRARY PERMISSION SLIP - (yellow) Please sign the permission slip if your child is allowed to check out books from the school library. He/She will be responsible to pay late fines and the cost of lost books. Return the slip before we go to the library for the first time.

12. HOME & SCHOOL MEMBERSHIP DRIVE (white) Dues are $8.00 for each family. Please fill out the form and list all children attending Lakeview School.

13. Home & School Survey: (white half sheet) If you have more than one child in Lakeview, which child should bring home the district notices for your family?

Not in this folder:

14. PRIVATE PHYSICIAN FORM: If your child has had a physical exam performed by your doctor please send the required form back to school. Call the school nurse at 610-534-1900, extension 1441, if you have any questions.

15. DENTAL FORM: If your child has had an exam performed by your dentist, please send the required form back to school. Call the school nurse at 610-534-1900, extension 1441, if you have any questions.

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08:40 Children line up and enter the classroom.
08:45 School begins. After this time you must sign in "late" at the office.
11:25 Children are dismissed.

(Note: Every other Friday the whole school meets in the Multi-Purpose Room at 8:40AM for our Friday Frenzy. Please try to be on time.)


12:15 Children line up and enter the classroom.
12:20 School begins. After this time you must sign in "late" at the office.
02:15 Wednesday only dismissal
03:05 Dismissal on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

LINE UP: The children line up at our private classroom door on the terrace facing Constitution Avenue. Please say your goodbyes to your child before he/she enters the building. It makes it easier to get our day started.

While waiting for school to start the children may play on the terrace, under their parent's supervision, but may not climb on or jump off the walls at either end of the terrace near the library and the other kindergarten room. At 12:15 please do not allow your child to run and scream near the open windows of the classrooms above the library.

DISMISSAL: Please try to be on time. The children will exit our private classroom door on the terrace. Mrs. Jones' AM Class and Miss Palo's AM Class will meet you on the steps near the Bus Area. Miss Davis' AM Class and Mrs. Jones' PM Class will walk down the terrace and meet you at the bottom of the steps near the lower playground. If you are more than 10 minutes late at dismissal, your child will wait for you in the office.


Our Class Website is updated frequently.
You’ll find class news, important dates, what we are studying, our sing along songs, small group news, the letter and words of the week and lots more! Please sign our guest book to let us know you and your child visited.


Please help us make your child's safety a priority at dismissal.
We will wait for you to park your car legally and walk to the bottom of the steps.
Children may not go down the steps until we see who is picking them up.

MORNING CLASS: There are 3 AM classes dismissing at 11:25am. Parents may not park in the BUS AREA at dismissal. The Ridley Park Police are enforcing "No Parking" signs all around the borough and are writing tickets. The lower playground is closed due to outdoor gym and recess. You may park on W. Ridley Ave around the corner or near the bridge, or along Constitution Ave beyond the BUS AREA, or at the lake parking lot.

Since the whole school is dismissed just after Kindergarten, the lower playground to the left of the building on Constitution Avenue will open for dismissal. Parents must park and wait at the bottom of the terrace steps. The children will walk along the terrace and down the steps to meet you.

AFTERNOON CLASS: Parents may park on the lower playground or along Constitution Avenue then wait near the bottom of the terrace steps. Please help your child cross the driveway and parking area safely.


1. Report Card Conferences are held in December and March. There will be a sign up sheet for the December conferences posted at the September Back-To-School Night so you can select a conference time that is convenient for you. There will be a few appointments at night to accommodate working parents.

2. Quick questions are OK but please do not try to have a quick conference with the teacher at the start of the day. It delays our opening routine and affects the schedule we need to follow to share the reading teacher with the rest of the school.

3. If you would like to have a conference at any time during the school year please send the teacher a note in your child's folder about your concerns, so a date and time can be arranged.

4. Check for grades online toward the end of each trimester. Enter using the Parent PowerSchool Portal Letter grades are given. Trimester 1 and 2 are not averaged into the final grade. The Trimester 3 grades are the final grades in Kdg.


1. LABEL EVERY ENVELOPE you send to school with your child's name, the teacher's name and the contents. You may also send money or forms in a labeled baggie. Place envelopes or baggies in your child's folder.

2. PARTY MONEY: Please send in $5.00 to cover some of the cost of the special snacks and favors we will need to celebrate Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day and to buy pizza for the Kdg children at our Farewell Picnic on the last day of school.

3. SNACK MONEY: There are 3 payment options.
a) $3.50 cash due the last week of every month Sept to June
b) $20.00 cash for the first half of the year & $15.00 for the second half
c) $35.00 cash for the whole year.
Please do not send in a check as we have no way of cashing it in a timely manner. If you cannot send in cash when it is due please send us a note to let us know.

4. MILK MONEY: A letter is included in this folder that explains the new collection system, which is now separate from Snack Money. You may send in money or deposit money in an online account. If you qualify for the "Kindergarten Milk Program" (#8 on the list of Forms) for free or reduced cost milk, fill out the form and return it.


Lakeview collects "BoxTops for Education" found on Betty Crocker, Juicy Juice, Cheerios, Yoplait, Green Giant, Old El Paso, Pillsbury, Nature Valley, Hanes, Ziploc, Hefty, Avery Supplies, Scott products, Brita filters and more! For a list of products, visit Hang the Collection Baggie on your frig and send it in when you get a few. We'll empty it and return it.


1. Your child should wear a uniform to school every day which consists of khaki or black pants, shorts, skort, skirt or jumper, and a white or dark green polo shirt with a collar. Sneakers or shoes should be worn. The Dress Code (yellow) includes other choices for the uniform.

2 Each class will have 2 Gym periods each week. If you do not want your child to wear his/her uniform on gym days, he/she may wear dark or stone colored sweatpants and a white or dark green uniform shirt. For safety reasons, your child must wear sneakers to participate in Gym on the following days:

AM Class: _________________   PM Class: _________________

3. ART SMOCK: You may buy one or convert an adult's shirt or T-Shirt. Just make sure it covers your child's uniform. Please write your child's name in the collar area for easy identification. It will be left in school all year long.

4. Please put your child's name or initials on all articles of clothing that are easily left at school, especially hats, scarves, sweaters, mittens, umbrellas, and rain gear.

5. Your child should be encouraged to tie his/her own shoes and zip or button his/her own coat. Practice at home until your child is successful.

6. Our room tends to get warm in the afternoon for most of the year. Your child should dress in "layers" so a sweater or sweatshirt can be removed if he/she gets too warm.


1. HOMEWORK FOLDER: Your child will be given a Lakeview pocket folder to return his/her homework to school. Envelopes, notes, important papers and BoxTops for Education may be placed in the folder that we check daily. It is your child's responsibility to place it in the "folder tray" next to the teacher's desk before class starts every day.

2. BACK PACKS OR SCHOOL BAGS are very helpful in organizing papers, important notices and homework to go home. They can be helpful in returning papers and money safely to school, too. It should be big enough to hold a pocket folder without bending it. Please be sure your child can open and close it easily and his/her name is on it somewhere. For safety, no wheeled book bags.

3. SUPPLIES NEEDED: Each child needs a shoebox to decorate for his/her Book Treasure Box Collection, approximate dimensions from 5" to 8" wide by 11" long by 4" tall. Extra shoeboxes would be appreciated. Also, large paper grocery bags are needed for parties and other activities. During the first week of school, please send in a box of snack size ziploc baggies or gallon sized freezer slidelock baggies, and a box of tissues. Miss Davis and Miss Palo also request disinfectant wipes. Mrs. Jones will purchase wipes due to a class allergy to fragrance. Write your child's name on everything you send in.

4. ATTENDANCE LINE: Every day your child is absent you must call 610-461-6564 and leave a message with your child's name, teacher and the reason why your child is absent. Please try to call by 8:30 AM. You must send in a written excuse with your child the day he/she returns to school. Include the date(s) and the symptoms of the illness or the reason for the absence. It is important for the nurse to know if your child has the flu or something contagious.

5. LATENESS: You must sign in at the office if your child arrives after 8:45 in the AM Class or after 12:20 in the PM Class. Please try to be on time. Lateness not only affects your child's work but also disrupts our routine. Chronic lateness is reported to the principal.

6. Arrangements must be made through the main office if your child must be dismissed earlier than the regular time. Please allow extra time to go to the office to sign a release form before picking up your child from our classroom.

7. SECURITY: For the safety of our students, there is a video camera and buzzer system at the three main doors of the building. If you wish to enter the building you must "buzz" the office, state your name and purpose, then wait for the office to electronically unlock the door for you.

8. You will get a "global phone call" to alert you to the closing of Lakeview School and the schools in Ridley School District. Make sure your phone number is up-to-date in the office. 610-534-1900 ext 1444. The SNOW EMERGENCY NUMBER is DELAWARE COUNTY # 453 on the radio and TV.

9. BIRTHDAYS: We will celebrate your child's birthday on his/her birth date. Your child may bring in a treat to share with the whole class, such as, munchkin donut holes, cupcakes, brownies, Rice Krispie treats, or individually wrapped treats. Please do not send in ice cream or whole cakes. SUMMER BIRTHDAYS will be celebrated in May and June before school is over. You will be given advance notice.

10. Ridley Park Online pro-actively utilizes social journalism and modern technology as their means to heighten community interaction, promote social inclusion, and to empower communication in new ways. Sign up to keep up with what's happening.

Mrs. Jones' Room     Kdg Program Info