Mrs. Jones' Afternoon Class
Foods We Like and Don't Like

We read the book Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss.
We voted whether or not we would eat "green eggs and ham."

These children said they would eat "green eggs and ham"
Mark, Steven E., Sara M., Adam, Sarah G., Steven D.,
Jacqueline, Naia, Diana, Violet, Brianna and Matthew.

These children said they wouldn't eat "green eggs and ham"
Timmy, Hunter, Chelsea, Cayla, Gabriella and Bailey.

Then we talked about our favorite food and the food we don't like to eat.

Cayla loves to eat salad
but she doesn't like to eat sausage.

Chelsea loves to eat pickles
but she doesn't like to eat broccoli.

Hunter loves to eat a cheese and mayonnaise sandwich
but he doesn't like to eat peas.

Mark loves to eat green beans
but he doesn't like to eat peas.

Steven E. loves to eat tomatoes
but he doesn't like to eat peas.

Gabriella loves to eat chicken nuggets
but she doesn't like to eat sauerkraut.

Jacqueline loves to eat oodles of noodles
but she doesn't like to eat mashed potatoes.

Steven D. loves to eat chicken
but he doesn't like to eat broccoli.

Sara M. loves to eat rainbow ice cream
but she can't think of anything she doesn't like to eat.

Bailey loves to eat pizza
but she doesn't like to eat peas.

Adam loves to eat apples
but he doesn't like to eat broccoli.

Sarah G. loves to eat ice cream
but she doesn't like to eat peas.

Naia loves to eat cake
but she doesn't like to eat broccoli.

Diane loves to eat cake
but she doesn't like to eat bananas.

Violet loves to eat cake
but she doesn't like to eat lemons.

Timmy loves to eat strawberries
but he doesn't like to eat eggs.

Brianna loves to eat fruit rollups
but she doesn't like to eat apples.

Matthew loves to eat the orange macaroni and cheese
but he doesn't like to eat the yellow macaroni and cheese.

Caroline and Jim were absent when we did this activity.

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