The Gingerbread Man Song
Tune: The Wheels on the Bus
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The gingerbread man ran through the town,
through the town, through the town.
The gingerbread man ran through the town,
Singing, "You'll never catch me."

He ran away from a /c/ /ow/,
/c/ /ow/, /c/ /ow/
He ran away from a cow,
Singing, "You will never catch me."

He ran away from a /sh/ /ee/ /p/,
/sh/ /ee/ /p/, /sh/ /ee/ /p/,
He ran away from a sheep without a peep,
Singing, "You will never catch me."

He ran away from a /d/ /o/ /g/
/d/ /o/ /g/, /d/ /o/ /g/,
He ran away from a dog,
Singing, "You will never catch me."

Then he came to a /f/ /o/ /x/
/f/ /o/ /x/, /f/ /o/ /x/,
The fox sat on a box and said,
"You can trust me!"
Then he ate him, yes sir - ee!

(From: Phonemic Awareness, Winter. CTP 2341)
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