Alphabet Sing Along Songs Sing Along Theme Songs
Consonant Digraph Songs
Short and Long Vowel Songs
Learn to Spell Word Songs
How Music Promotes Learning
Links to Musical Websites
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Children love to sing songs!
We sing several songs to familiar tunes as part of our daily routine. Singing is a favorite part of our day! We like to stand up so we can freely make movements or clap while we sing. When we sing and make the sound of the letter we are studying, we have fun thinking of words we can include to make new verses and how we are going to "act out" or "make motions with our hands or bodies" to "visually explain" key words. We love it when our first or last name is in the song and everyone points to us! We like the rhythm of the letters when we practice spelling the "word of the week" and the word wall words by singing the letters. The Theme Songs help us remember things we are learning about in science, math and social studies. Singing is a fun way to learn!

Singing gives us playful opportunities to practice oral language,
dramatic expression, creative movement and motor skills.
We smile and laugh and it makes us feel good!
Have some fun with computer karaoke!

Mark your location on our Guest Map and leave a message:
How do you feel about learning with music? Do you have an idea to share?

Mrs. Jones' Room Sing Along Songs was featured on 6/28/11!
Preschool Songs

Music and Learning
15 Fabulous Fingerplays and Facts
From the website: "Finger plays have been used in early childhood classrooms for many years- however, they seem to have taken a backseat recently to more “academic” skills. Did you know that fingerplays have many educational benefits that can help support the development of skills necessary for meeting Common Core Standards in Kindergarten? Experts recommend that children with difficulty learning to read go back and learn rhymes and finger plays because they are the building blocks of reading success."
Multisensory Tips by Heidi
The Power of Music
Hap Palmer - Making Teaching Aides
Research on How Music Promotes Learning
Using Music to Promote Learning
Good Times With Music and Rhythm
Benefits of Using Fingerplays by Dr. Jean
ESL Through Music
Books and Movement a Magical Mix - 119 pg PDF guide
Children's Music Portal: Musical Resources on the Internet
Research on Music and the Developing Brain
Using Music in the Science Classroom
Fun With Music
Using Classical Music in the Classroom
10 Tips to Make Dancing Fun for Everyone
Mneumonics - Memory Helpers
Special Concert is Testament to Power of Music
by Charles F. Seymour, Times Community Adviser

Music Not Playing?
Try following the suggestions at The National Institute
of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) website.

Here are some of the songs we sing together for each alphabet letter. If you are helping someone learn to read the words to the songs, point to and say or sing the words while you sit with them so they can hear the tune and learn the pattern of the printed words. Once they learn some words and word patterns they can sing without help by looking at the picture clues.
Alphabet Letter Sing Along Songs
Aa - Hurray For Aa! - Long Aa Sound
Aa - The Short Aa Song
Bb - In Our Backyard
Bb - I Know a Plural That Starts With Bb
Bb - I am a Baseball Player
Bb - The Bubble Song
Cc - The Cc Song
Cc - Cc is Coming 'Round the Corner
Soft Cc - The Soft Cc Song
Dd - Dd is For
Dd - Dd Things That Move
Dd - Chant: Double, Double
Ee - I've Got the Letter Ee - Short Ee Sound
Ee - The Long Ee Song
Ff - The Farmer in the Field
Ff - Family Fun
Ff - In My Fantasy
Ff - The Ff Food Song
Ff - Found an Ff
Gg - My Silly Billy Goat
Gg - The Gg Song
Soft Gg - I am Learning Soft Gg
Hh - Happy's Hammers
Hh - If You're Happy and You Know It
Hh - I've Got the Letter Hh
Ii - The Short Ii Song
Ii - The Long Ii Song
Jj - The Jaguar
Jj - I am a Janitor
Jj - I am Learning Letter Jj
Jj - Jingle, Jingle and the ending "ing"
Jj - The Jumping Song
Kk - Here We Go 'Round the Letter Kk
Kk - I am Learning Letter Kk
Ll - I am Learning Letter Ll
Ll - At The Library
Mm - Because My Mother Says So!
Mm - I am a Musician
Nn - I am Learning Letter Nn
Nn - Ten Little n's in the Nest
Oo - The Oo Song
Oo - 10 Ten Little o's in the Ocean
Pp - The Pp Word Song
Pp - The Pp Food Song
Pp - I've Got the Letter Pp
Qq - I am Learning Letter Qq
Qq - Once There Was a Little Duck
Rr - Rainbow Colors - A Rebus Song
Rr - 10 Ten Little r's in the Room
Ss - The Ss Blend Song
Ss - The Ss Food Song
Ss - Here We Go 'Round the Letter Ss
Ss - The Ss Animal Song
Tt - The Train is on the Track
Tt - The Tt Food Song
Uu - The Long Uu Song
Uu - I am Learning Letter Uu - Short Uu Sound
Uu - The Under the Umbrella Class Game
Vv - I am Learning Letter Vv and the short "Vowel" sounds
Vv - 10 Ten Little v's in the Village
Ww - Wheels
Ww - The Ww Song
Xx - Where Is X?
Yy - Let's Give a Yell For Yy
Yy - We Wish You a Happy Yy Week
Zz - The Zipper Man
Zz - I am Learning Zz
I highly recommend Heidi's CDs and DVDs for learning letters and sounds!
Check out the songs by Mr. Harry!
Alphabet Sing Along Song from
Dr. Jean's Letter Vests and Songs
Take a stroll down Cherry Carl's Alphabet Avenue!

Consonant Digraphs
Here are some of the songs we sing together to learn consonant digraphs and the long and short vowel sounds. If you are helping someone learn to read the words to the songs, point to and say or sing the words while you sit with them so they can hear the tune and learn the pattern of the printed words. Once they learn some words and word patterns they can sing without help by looking at the picture clues.
The Sound Shake-Up Song
What's Your Sound?
Ch - The "ch" Food Song
Ch - Sitting in My Chair
Ph - The Philadelphia Song
Sh - I am Learning Sh
Sh - The Shadow Song
Th - I am Learning "th"
Th - The "th" Number Song
The Digraph Rap on
Consonant Blends
bl, cl, fl, pl, gr, tr, gl, sl, br, dr, fr, cr

Long and Short Vowels in the Initial Position
These songs are also found above.
Aa - Hurray For Aa! - Long Aa Sound
Aa - The Short Aa Song
Ee - I've Got the Letter Ee - Short Ee Sound
Ee - The Long Ee Song
Ii - The Short Ii Song
Ii - The Long Ii Song
Oo - The Oo Song
Oo - 10 Ten Little o's in the Ocean
Uu - The Long Uu Song
Uu - I am Learning Letter Uu - Short Uu Sound
The Under the Umbrella Class Game
CanTeach Short and Long Vowel Songs
The Short Vowel Song
The Long Vowel Song
Short Vowel Posters
a e
Short Vowel Posters
Stories to go with the posters

Click here for a list of words we are learning to read and write.
Learn to Spell Word Songs
The One 1 Letter Word Song
The Two 2 Letter Word Song
The Three 3 Letter Word Song (CVC)
The Three 3 Letter Word Song
The Four 4 Letter Word Song
The Five 5 Letter Word Song
The Six 6 Letter Word Song
Piggyback Songs That Help Teach Words
I highly recommend Heidi's CDs and DVDs to teach sight words.
Silly Songs for Sight Words Presentation
PowerPoint - 25 sight word piggyback songs and ideas
Hear free sample songs for the words: a, like, play, to
Here are different tunes you can use when spelling words
from 3 - 12 letters compiled from the 'net by The Reading Lady.
This website is gone so click below to go to a web archive of the site:
Word Wall Chant Ideas
I highly recommend Heidi's CDs and DVDs to teach language arts concepts.
Songs written by Mrs. Whitehead
Mrs. Whitehead's Song
The Punctuation Song
Spelling Rule Songs
1-1-1 Spelling Rule, Silent E Rule, Y Spelling Rule, Rules for Plurals
The "ing" Song
The Contraction Song Poster
The Contraction Song
Let's PPPPPP-- Punctuate! A Rap Song by Katherine Dines
The Question Words Song
Question Words Poster
Songs that Teach English Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling
The Sentence Song
written and shared by Kim Shelley
Between the Lions - Word Videos
Between the Lions - Reading Rule Videos
Between the Lions - MP3 Music Video Mixes

Sing Along Theme Songs
Here are some of the songs we sing together to remember the concepts we are learning in science, math and social studies. If you are helping someone learn to read the words to the songs, point to and say or sing the words while you sit with them so they can hear the tune and learn the pattern of the printed words. Once they learn some words and word patterns they can sing without help by looking at the picture clues.
Alphabet, Ants, Bats, Bears, Birds, Butterflies, Character Education and Manners, Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, Dinosaurs, Easter, Egypt and Mummies, Spanish Words,
Farm, Fire Safety, Grandparent's Day, Groundhog Day, Halloween, Hibernation, 100 Days, Insects, Kites, Math, Mice, The Mitten, Money, Myself, I Am Special, New Year's, St. Patrick's, Penguins,
Pets, Plants and Seeds, Puzzles, Recipes, Science, Sea Stars, Dr. Seuss, Sharks, Spiders, Thanksgiving, Trees, Valentine’s Day, Weather, Winter, Word Activities and Zoo Animals
The 50 States That Rhyme Song
The 50 State Capitals
The USA Presidents Song
The 44 Presidents Rap
Constitution Day
Red, White, and Blue Song
Grandparent's Day Songs
Learn to Spell Number Songs from 0 to 10
Clifford's Counting Song
Posters for Counting Rhymes
(5 little ducks, 5 little monkeys, etc)
The Tricky Teen Chant
written by Michelle and the teachers in the Menifee School District
Math Songs
I highly recommend Heidi's CDs and DVDs to teach numbers and math concepts!
Piggyback Songs - where to start writing letters
Letter Formation Poems
Number Formation Poems
The Tally Mark Song
Transition Songs
Poems and Songs That Teach
Tunes for Classroom Tasks and Routines
More Tunes for Tasks and Routines
Celebration Songs by Mrs. Senk
The Lost Tooth Song
New Shoes
New Haircut
Other songs by Mrs. Senk
The Needs and Wants Song
Mrs. Senk's Handshakes and Hugs
Print the Hugs to make a book or hang as posters.
The Rules on the Bus
Our Routine Song
Hello and Goodbye Songs
Line Up Songs
The Rules Chant
Glue Chant
The Kissing Hand Song
The Listening Song
(Sing The Listening Song with the Give Me Five Poster.)
Singing Games to Learn Names
Teacher Directed Games at Circle Time
The Under the Umbrella Class Game
If You Want to Make a Friend
The Smart Song (Multiple Intelligences)
The Question Words Song
Question Words Poster
The Sound Muncher Song
Rhyming Song
The Concepts About Print Song
Kid Writing Song from
The Five Senses Song
The Healthy Train
Coughs and Sneezes
Wash Your Hands
Adress and Phone Number Songs
School Helper: I am a Janitor
Family Fun
The Clock Song
The Color Song
The Shape Song
What is This Shape?
Play a class game of "Question and Answer."
The Dino Pokey
The Farm Sounds Song
The Farm Chores Song
The Higgy Piggy
Wishy Washer Woman Song
The Little Red Hen Song
A Fall Song
Ten Little Leaves
The Gingerbread Man Song
The Mitten in the Snow Song
This song is about the order of the animals that climb in The Mitten by Jan Brett.
The Mitten Phonemic Awareness Song
Children practice making the beginning sounds of the animals that climb in The Mitten.
Colorful Mittens - A Rhyming Song
A Winter Song
The Winter Pokey
Five 5 Little Snowmen
Ten Little Snowmen in a Row
Martin Luther King Song
Do You Know My Valentine?
The 100 Days Song
The Tooth Care Song and MiniBook
The Shadow Song
Make shadows on Flashlight Day or Groundhog Day!
The Bubble Song
The Easter Bunny Song
The Springtime Song
The Bird Song
The Earth Day Song
The Planet Song
The Weather Song
Rainbow: A Rebus Song
Rainbow Colors: A Rebus Song
The Garden Song
The Plant Part Song
Flowers Make a Rainbow
The Ants Go Marching
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Song
La Canción de la Oruga Muy Hambrienta
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Spanish Lyrics were translated by Anita Delgado.
The Life of a Butterfly
I'm a Butterfly Song
The Insect Song
The Insect Song Too
The Buggy Wuggy
Mother's Day: Because My Mother Says So!
Mother's Day: Down By the Bay
I am a Baseball Player
Hear the Animals
The Ss Animal Song
written by Anne Marie Farley
The Jaguar is a Cat
Character, Lifeskill and Reading Chants
Raps, Chants and Songs about The Months
Days of the Week Piggyback Songs
Money Songs, Rhymes and Raps
KinderKorner - Name Poems for Pocket Charts
Piggyback Color Songs
Piggyback Songs about the Continents
Video Kindergarten Year-End Rap
32 Dr. Jean Cheers
Mrs. Senk's Handshakes and Hugs
Print the Hugs to make a book or hang as posters.

Other Sites with Song Lyrics and Music
Mr. Harry's Class
Lots of short song videos for fall holidays, math and calendar skills,
colors, money, character traits, transition times, and lots more!
Suzy Red's Music Room
Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Just for Fun Songs and links
Sing to Learn Education
Some free, Most for purchase
Lots of Songs listed Alphabetical by Title
Children's Music: Songs, Interactive, Online Activities,
Instrument Crafts, Sheet Music, Worksheets and more
Fingerplays and Stories
Fingerplays and Action Verses
Fingerplays Plus
101 Sight Word Poems for Emergent Readers and ESL Students
Poems are categorized by sight word.
Kid's Corner
Singing Teachers Lesson Plans and Links
The Music Station
Piggyback Songs by Jean Warren
Free Downloadable Kid's Music
Listen Before You Buy
Follow The Bouncing Ball
Children's Songs in Many Languages
KidzSing Garden of Songs
Kiddie Song Corner
Click on the letters at the top to find songs to sing.
The EFL Playhouse
Songs, Poems, Chants and Rhymes
Wee Folk Midi Music
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Kid's Pages
Patriotic Songs
CanTeach Songs and Poems
Musical Spelling Rules
Children's songs as a teaching aid, spelling practice, free audio files with
the songs, free sheet music, and spelling exercises with instant feedback.
Street Safety Songs
Printable Song Sheets
10 Little Elephants, Head and Shoulders, ABC Song,
Rainbow Song and Old MacDonald
ASL Sign Language Instructional Videos
The Pledge of Allegiance L-o-v-e Spells Love M-O-M Spells Mom
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Children's Songbook: American Sign Language,17631,7231-1,00.html
The Children's Music Archive
lyrics, sing-along suggestions, colouring sheets and activities
Animal, Counting, Number, Community Helper, Insect and Bug, Self and Family,
Special Occasion, Transition, Transportation Songs and Poems
Christmas Lyrics and Midi Files
Christmas Sing Alongs and Action Rhymes
Christmas Songs, Poems, and Crafts
Christmas Sheet Music
Main Page
American Sign Language Class presents Songs of Christmas
Christmas Carols in English, Korean and Japanese
Christmas Music, Songs and Lyrics
New Christmas Music in MP3 and WMA formats
Groundhog Day Carols
Rabbit and Bunny Songs and Fingerplays
Songs of Sabino Canyon
Songs about the animals, land, plants, and water.
Music and Movement
A Dozen Kid Songs to Sing
Campfire Songs, Silly Songs and Chants and Songs for Leaders
Becky's Campfire SongBook
More Campfire Songs and Chants, Skits and Sketches
Songs for Teachers: Piggyback Theme Related Songs and Poems
Song Lyrics: Silly, Familiar, Favorite, Finger Plays, Circle Time,
Transition, Songs and Movement and Songs from Other Cultures
The Teacher's Guide Children's Songs
Rhymes and Fingerplays
Excellent Resource for:
Songs and Poems Worksheets
PBS Music
Songs from Kididdles
A to Z Home's Cool Homeschooling
Links to Music Sites
Mnemonic Devices to learn
astronomy aviation biology chemistry french geography geology german history ict justice latin learning math medical miscellaneous music navigation physics religion shipping social spanish spelling sport time weather
Children's Music Links
Music Sites for Kids
Older Kids create songs to familiar tunes
Poetry Links
Giggle Poetry by Bruce Lansky
Songbooks and Sing Along
Create Music Online
Come discover fun and easy ways to make music!
San Fransisco Orchestra: Play With Music Online
New York Philharmonic
Music Links
Music Resources
songs, lyrics, lessons, and online music creation
Make Your Own Instruments and List of Songs
Making Musical Instruments
Crafts for Music
Instrument Flashcards * Match the instrument picture to the name.
Music Activities
Bash the Trash: Make Instruments from Trash
Morse Code Music: connecting rhythm and language with Morse Code
The President's Song
Neuroscience for Kids: Brain Songs
And Now For Something Completely Different!
We Didn't Start the Fire by Billy Joel
Flash Visual Created by Ye Li
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